Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit

Call to Prayer

Title: Understanding the gifts of the Spirit

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 17.12.2021


“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.ย 5ย There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.ย 6ย There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work”.ย  (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)


As saved children of God and heirs of Salvation, God wants us to abundantly understand Him and His working power. He firstly demonstrated that by giving His only son(Christ) as a once and for all sacrifice. After which, He gives us unlimitedย  access to Him through the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit as described by Jesus, is the spirit of truth who is going to teach us all things including the mind of the Father, the spirit also is a counsellor, guardian and our administrator. Now, in order for us to fulfil our actual purpose on Earth through service to God, we need the assistance of the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit manifests versatile functions in the life of a believer, through the fruits of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit. There are several gifts of the Holy spirit as mentioned by Apostle Paul, however, I would like to summarize them all into three categories which are,

  • Discerning gifts of the spirit
  • Dynamic gifts of the spirit
  • Declarative gifts of the spirit

Discerning gifts of the spirit: These gifts as highlighted by Paul the apostle, comprise of word of wisdom, word of knowledge and discerning of spirits. Also, dreams, visions and revelations are under discerning gifts. The gifts are nonetheless operating separately, but for same purpose. In the church today, anointed servants of God are blessed with them in order to serve the body of Christ, however, the gifts are not restricted only to ordained pastors, priest or prophets. A regular church member who is saved and sanctified is equally eligible but still, the purpose is to serve diligently the body of Christ.

Dynamic gifts of the spirit: gifts like Faith (that can move mountains and do great exploits), gift of healing (the sick, the disabled etc), the working of diverse miracles are all given by the same spirit which is to profit withal the body of Christ. They all fall under this category.

Declarative gifts of the spirit:ย Ability to speak in tongues, interpretation of tongues, word of prophecy, teaching etc are declarative gifts of the Holy spirit given freely to all believers. There is need therefore, to know that, an individual could have multiple gifts of the spirit depending on their willingness and size of their spiritual devotion, dedication and Faithfulness to God.

Prayer points: Let’s thank God today for His Faithfulness to us. Let us also ask Him to pour out His spirit in us and to discover our spiritual gifts so that we will be fully ready to fulfil His will in our lives.


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