Understanding the Mystery of Prayer

Call to Prayer

Title:ย Understanding the Mystery of Prayer

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 06.10.2021


The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to mankind.

Psalm 115:16


The administration of the kingdom of God demands comprehension. In doing so, its mysteries are made plain, and we can navigate our way appropriately with the knowledge gained. One of the mysteries needing unraveling is the subject of prayer, and understand its concept will lead to us knowing why we need to pray and how to pray.

God operates a kingdom, and His seat of authority (His throne) is in heaven. As we know, in every kingdom, there can only be one king. Being a God who wants His children to manifest His glory as kings, He created another realm called earth. God placed mankind on the earth and gave Him the mandate to have dominion (to operate as a king) over this realm (Gen. 1:26), while His kingship will be over the heavens (Psalm 115:16). That is, God oversees the heavens and man is in charge of the earth. The implication of this is that God (or any other spirit) does not have the right to operate on earth without the permission of a man.

Godโ€™s idea for manโ€™s administration of the earth is that manโ€™s spirit will be joined with His Spirit, thereby man can access His thoughts and know His mind, with which He will be able to make the right decisions and administer earth appropriately. However, after man fell to the deception of the enemy, Satan, he was separated from the Spirit of God (which is spiritual death) and became a subject of the devil. Which meant, manโ€™s thoughts and imaginations became reflective of the devil (Gen. 6:5). This is the reason why there are wickedness, deaths, and all vices we have in the world today. Now, the nature of God is that He cannot go beyond His word, and since He has given the earth to man, He cannot act or intervene without a man permitting Him. We give God permission to operate on the earth, in us, and through us when we pray.

Therefore, by prayer, we transfer the license to God to operate on the earth on our behalf. This is the reason God is always in search of an intercessor before He can carry out His agenda on earth (Eze. 22:30). However, there is something more. God doesnโ€™t just want us to give Him licence to operate on our behalf, He has also given us the license to operate as Himself here on earth (Ezekiel 22:30), which is also expressed through prayer. Though this concept of us operating as Him on earth was witnessed in the Old Testament, it was established in the New Testament by us being adopted as sons of God because of our faith in Jesus (Rom. 8:16-17). Being Sons, we have the right to act on Godโ€™s behalf. As gods. we do not need to ask God for things, we declare it and it will be established (Job 22:28).

To understand the above concept of operating as Godโ€™s on the earth, letโ€™s see how Jesus Christ taught the disciples prayer. In Mark 11: 23, Jesus mentioned that when we give a command to any mountain to move, it will obey us. In His speech, there was no mention of Him telling us to say it to God, however, God hears it as a prayer and responds to it. To grasp this, let’s consider Joshuaโ€™s act in Joshua 10 and the comment of the bible about it. After Joshua commanded the sun and moon to remain in certain positions in the sky, verse 14 of that chapter witnessed thatย โ€œThere has never been a day like it before or since, a dayย when the Lord listenedย to a human being…โ€.ย Now, at what point did Joshua talk to God for Him to listen? This was because God hears our words, and He is committed to bringing them to pass if we say them by faith.

In summary, prayer is a means to transfer the license to God for Him to operate on our behalf, it is also a means by which we utilize the license given by God to operate as Him here on earth.

Prayer Pointย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. letโ€™s also ask Him to help us comprehend the mysteries of the Kingdom and to give us the grace to fully utilize the gift of prayer He has given to us.ย 


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God bless you all


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