Understanding the Process of God



So Moses was fully trained in the royal courts and educated in the highest wisdom Egypt had to offer, until he arose as a powerful prince andย an eloquent orator.

(Acts 7:22 TPT)

But Moses said to the LORD, โ€œMy Lord,ย Iโ€™ve never been able to speak well, not yesterday, not the day before, and certainly not now since youโ€™ve been talking to your servant.ย I have a slow mouthย and a thick tongue.โ€

(Exodus 4:10 CEB)

God desires to use every one of us, but we are not all in the state where He can use us for His good works (2Tim. 2:21). Based on His nature, He demonstrates His love of us when we are most unworthy by declaring to us the beautiful future He has prepared for us. However, there is a process He will take us through to make us ready for His use. Having the right understanding of the mind of God concerning His process will help us to endure with thanksgiving.

It’s good for me to mention first that apart from the beautiful future he has declared to you, God has a general-purpose for all Christians, perfection; conforming to the image of Christ (Eph. 4:12,1 3), and He intends to fulfil it in you. Because of this, He will take you through a route that will give the Holy Spirit the chance to perform His sanctifying work in your life. Again, God wants us to always acknowledge Him (Hos. 6:6), this doesnโ€™t come naturally for a man or a woman that is confident in His abilities. Because of His goodness, He will take you through the wilderness, where He will kill every form of self-dependence, and develop in you a heart that looks up to Him for everything. In the scriptural verses of today, we see two contradictory statements concerning the same person, Moses. The first was made by Stephen, and he affirmed that Moses was an eloquent orator. However, when Moses encountered God at the burning bush, His perception of himself was different; he said โ€˜Iโ€™ve never been able to speak well, not yesterday, not the day before, and certainly not now since youโ€™ve been talking to your servant (Exodus 4:10 CEB)โ€™.ย What happened to Moses? You may ask, 40 years in the wilderness is the answer. By the hardness he endured in the wilderness, his confidence in himself died. This was the state God could use Him. When you are strong in yourself, Godโ€™s strength cannot manifest through you, for His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).

Furthermore, God wants to give you a message. Being a witness for Christ goes beyond reading the bible and retelling it in a sermon. The message that comes with power, is one that has been proven true in your life. Two days ago, in a time of prayer, I fell into a trance where, among other things, I saw myself telling someone that โ€˜before your ministry can be fulfilled in others, it must first be fulfilled in youโ€™.ย It is in the wilderness that the proofing of your ministry is done. The wilderness is a place that is devoid of what can sustain life. If you can survive the challenges that season of life presents, God will comfort you. The comforts you received during and after the season is the message you are to preach, for in that message is comfort for your hearers (2Cor. 1:4). Note, this is a continuous process.

Lastly, despite all gifts and callings are based on grace (unmerited favour), yet God wants you to be equipped (enabled) for service. We see in the life of David, how He was in the wilderness Shepherding sheep after He was anointed. He was trained (equipped) by his encounters with the lions and bears. The skill he learnt in the wilderness was what He used to defeat Goliath. It was that victory over Goliath that gave him recognition as a leader in Israel. You can find this story in 1Samuel 17.ย 

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s take time today to ask God to give every member of the body of Christ the understanding to be able to see what He is doing and enable us all to endure the process He has ordained for us.ย 


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