Understanding the Word of God


Title:ย Understanding the Word of God

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date: 30.12.2024


The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. (Psa 19:1-3 KJV)


The creature called Man is very unique among all that God created. Yes, He created all things for His pleasure (Rev. 4:1), but unlike other of His creation, He created Man for relationship with Himself (Gal. 4:6). For any relationship to develop and grow, there is a need for communication. Communication is said to be achieved when there is an understanding between the parties involved.ย 

All that Christ did at the cross of Calvary was to restore this relationship, for our salvation is a call to fellowship (1 Cor. 1:9). For this reason, every Christian needs to learn how to hear from God so that their relationship with God can be cultivated and experience growth. Now, the problem is not that God is not speaking, the problem is our ability to perceive His voice or understand His words (Job 33:14). To see this, consider the fact that all things were created by the word of God (John 1: 1-3). Therefore, it means that Godโ€™s voice exists in everything we see, feel, or hear, only if we can discern it.

Our scriptural verses of today revealed that the heavens and the firmament have a voice that is heard in all the earth. Note that the heavens and the firmament are non-living things according to the classification of what is living or non-living in biology, but in the spirit they have mouths and they speak. This notion was also supported by Paulโ€™s writings in Romans 1:18-22. Paul even went further to reveal that God made judgments based on what was said by this seemly none living things that were not yielded by men.

The mistake of many Christians is to receive only Audios and Visuals from God as His voice. They stay without acting or receive who He sends because they have not heard a voice or seen a vision. Because of this, they walk in disobedience, experience delay or lose out on Godโ€™s best for them. Though God speaks through these means (visions and audible voice), it is not the only way He speaks. If you depend only on such, it limits God manifestation in your life and can open you up for deception by the enemy.

There is a difference between a voice and a word. A voice, which can be a prophetic utterance, an audible voice, a vision, a person, a circumstance, a witness in the heart, an event, the weather, the season, the bible, a movie, music, a sound etc., is a means by which Godโ€™s word is conveyed. For more clarity, consider a voice to be a vehicle with which Godโ€™s word travels to you. The word is received when it is understood.

There are things you do for you to be able to discern/understand Godโ€™s mind. The first is meditating on the word of God. The more of Godโ€™s word you have in you, the more of the mind of Christ you can manifest. Only with Godโ€™s mind can you understand Godโ€™s thoughts (1 Cor. 2:14). Spending more time in the word of God will help you in this regard. Another thing you do to gain understanding is listening carefully (Luke 8:18, Luke 9:35). As we listen carefully and patiently to God and people when they speak, we will be able to understand what God is saying to us. Again, as we observe circumstances, situations or natural and kingdom events etc. the Lord will grant you the understanding to receive His words in them. To see this in scripture, check how King Solomon gained a revelation on the outcome of a sluggish person in Proverbs 24: 30 โ€“ 34. All He did was to observe. Furthermore, simply ask for understanding and thank Him for it (Proverbs 4:7). You can do this every day.ย 

Lastly, be sensitive at all times to hear Him speak. It is an act of faith, which helps you to receive His word when it comes and it triggers God to speak more.ย 

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us ask Him to help us to understand Him when He speaks through any means He decides to speak.


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God bless you all

Repost from: 30.06.2021


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