Unguided hunger for God

Call to Prayerย 

Title: Unguided hunger for God

By: Simon Nuhu Maina

Date: 21.03.2023


”Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled(Matthew 5:6).


Hunger is a feeling of inconvenience that is caused by a lack of food, it comes with fierce cravings and a desire to be filled. The significance of food is to meet the need for hunger, if there is no hunger there will not be a need for food. Just like physical hunger, spiritual hunger comes in like manner only that it craves for food prepared by God. God Almighty created a hollow in Man that nothing can satisfy except God Himself. It is good to be hungry, especially for God, nevertheless, it should be within the scope of the provisions of the Spirit of God as anything good left unchecked/unguided could lead to a disaster. We know that fire is used for many useful domestic activities such as heating and cooking, and also industrially used to purify precious elements like gold. But that same fire if left unattended to, can burn a house or cause great damage.

Unguided hunger for God is like wildfire left unchecked! Intense hunger can make man eat food he/she never imagined, however, that man with his full knowledge will not eat poisonous food due to desperation caused by that hunger. Unguided hunger for God has led and still leading people to all kinds of heresies in the name of discoveries.ย  It makes people go extra motivational to seek things that are not even in the Scripture all in the pursuit of knowledge. It makes one religious and unreasonably sanctimonious. Many unknowingly out of curiosity, driven by unguided hunger for God, find themselves having demonic encounters, revelations, and wisdom. We see people that are supposed to be in psychiatric hospitals coming with different visions, signs, and wonders and all kinds of manifestations they obtained through covenant with the Devil.

Unguided hunger for God leads young believers astray, as they do not have a sound orientation by the Holy Spirit or have a premature understanding of God. The Devil is quite aware of that weakness and has prepared his agents in the name of scholars or theologians coming up with extra-scriptural doctrines and teachings that don’t have a source in the Bible. Many have been possessed by familiar spirits as a result of unguided hunger for God, they read books provided by roadside authors who have no records of genuine salvation. They add unnecessary information to Biblical scenarios in the name of wisdom, coming up with narratives, and events that put away the relevance of salvation.

Beloved in Christ, whatever knowledge of God we seek is found in the Bible. The Bible is huge enough that if we are guided by the Holy Spirit, we’d realize it is an unending ocean of God’s provision for our learning. We should rather appear traditional or crude having an understanding of the Scriptural doctrines than appear advanced without true salvation. Moreover, the secret things not revealed in the Scripture belong to our God (Deuteronomy 29:29).


Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s pray for the grace to study the bible for ourselves even as we listen to preachers and teachers.


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