Unity in Love and Understanding

Call To Prayer

Title: Unity in Love and Understanding

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 28.07.2023


โ€œAnd the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to doโ€ (Genesis 11:6)
โ€œBehold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!โ€ (Psalm 133:1)


Unity is one of the most influential and powerful tools that exist. For it is the product of โ€œlove and beliefโ€. It wields great results and performs wonders beyond imagination.

The first human unity that was recorded happened in the garden of Eden that is between Adam and Eve. We were not precisely informed about the where-about of Adam at the time the old serpent tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit but we are told that after she ate the forbidden fruit, she shared the information to her earthly given partner(Adam) and he ate also, and eventually they became united in what brought sin and death upon all subsequent human race. Another vivid example of unity was demonstrated in Genesis 11:6 where the people decided to be united in building a tower thatโ€™d reach Heaven and to make a โ€œnameโ€ for themselves. The Bible recorded even God knew that they would have achieved that milestone successfully if they were allowed to continue until the end of the project.

Unity is so powerful that even with ulterior or evil motive, there is a high possibility that great result can manifest. The trinity (3 Godhead) is a perfect example of unity. God wants us to live and abide in unity, He supports unity. If worldly rulers and politicians could be united in nursing bad agenda, how much more of the children of God with godly agenda? The disciples, apostles and Evangelists that brought the gospel to us were all united in the cause of the Lord. We should not allow denominational differences, egoistic sentiments, tribal affiliations, geographical backgrounds or individual opinions to divert or be barriers to us to loving each other in unity. Even the Bible tells us โ€œwhere two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in their midstโ€(Matthew 18:20). Heaven is happy when the children of the Almighty are in one accord. The devil is weakened when the chosen of God are united. The body of Christ is one (united) despite having different members. So we should not be separated in any circumstances; just like Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego even in the burning furnace, they were united.

Prayer point:

Let us thank God for the word today, letโ€™s ask Him to give us the grace and strong will to dwell in godly unity. May His name be praised !


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