Use of Wisdom

Call to Prayer

Title:ย Use of Wisdom

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย ย 08.09.2021


By wisdom a house is built,ย and by understanding it is established

Proverbs 24:3 (ESV)


Wisdom being the principal thing is not a mere saying, but a fact that existed even before creation. For the earth as a whole was founded by wisdom, even the heavens were established by understanding, which is a fruit of wisdom (Prov. 24:3, Psalms 136:5). This goes to show the importance of wisdom and why we should treasure it. However, wisdom is only a tool. We can decide to use it or not.

King Solomon was one whose wisdom surpassed others of his days, and days before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 King 4:31, Matt 12:42). Despite his wisdom, he fell into idol worshiping by building temples for his wivesโ€˜ gods (1Kings 11:7). Solomon’s wisdom did not stop him from choosing foolishness (Eccl. 2:3). Again, Lucifer was full of wisdom, but he chose the foolishness of rebelling against God (Ezekiel). From these, it’s safe to say that Wisdom is a tool, we can choose to use it or not. With that said, what do we use wisdom for? Though this seems like a question with an obvious answer, however, the multifaceted nature of Godโ€™s wisdom is seen by its application. Knowing its different usages will help us understand its intricacies, know and appreciate its beauty, and to learn its application.

The first mention of wisdom in the bible was associated with creativity or craftiness (Exo. 28.3). When God instructed Moses to make garments for Aaron, it was those with wisdom that could undertake the task. Proverbs 8:12 revealed wisdom to find out knowledge for witty inventions. The exploits of science and technology are all products of Godโ€™s wisdom, even though the world may not acknowledge Him for it. Apart from the Human realm, it was by wisdom God created all the universe (Prov. 3:19). Creativity is a product of wisdom.

Again, another important use of wisdom as revealed in scripture is making judgements (2 Chro. 1:10-12). Though the word โ€œjudgementโ€ or โ€œjudgingโ€ produces a negative connotation in the minds of people, it simply implies making decisions; deciding what is right or wrong. We all make decisions daily, but by what do we make it? The first manifestation of wisdom that King Solomon expressed after He received the impartation of wisdom was deciding between two women (1 Kings 3: 16 – 28). Solomon made his decision based on their actions, and not how they appeared or spoke (1 Kings 3: 25 -27, John 7:24), which was wisdom in its pure form. Again, when there was a dispute in the Corinthianโ€™s Church, Apostle Paulโ€™s inquiry was โ€œis there no one wise person among you?ย (1 Cor. 6:5)โ€. We see peace and order among people are a product of the right application of wisdom.

Understanding is a fruit of wisdom (Prov. 8:14), and by it, mysteries are made plain. Yes, wisdom is a light before which mysteries are uncovered, riddles are solved, and secrets are discovered. In Ezekiel 28, God after God affirmed the wisdom of the king of Tyler, He went further to disclose that no secret was hidden from him, because of his wisdom. It is by the revealing power of wisdom we understand the word, we interpret dreams & visions, and we gain insight or understanding of times and seasons. This revealing power of wisdom was what was at work in the life of Apostle Paul that made him so clearly unravel the grace of God, that even Apostle Peter affirmed that His writings were hard to understand (2Peter 3:15-16). This was not because it was not comprehendible, but wisdom can only be received by a wise mind. Thatโ€™s why it was said in the bible that God gives wisdom to the wise (Dan. 2:21). This means, “by wisdom, we obtain more wisdom”.

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let also ask Him to give us a hunger for His wisdom that is unquenchable, a hunger for it that cannot be satisfied.

God bless you all

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