Value of Men

Call to Prayer

Title: The value of men

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 17.02.2023


”The heaven, evenย the heavens,ย areย theย Lordโ€™s But the earth He has given to the children of men”.(Psalm 115:16).


The value of something is the extent of its relevance to be useful through its effectiveness. Man was created with awesome potentials that even he himself does not fully comprehend. By the revelation of the Scriptures, we understand that when God was creating man, He uniquely deposited His personality and also the element of the earth, so man became a living being with dual characteristics, (natural and divine), hence, most superior on earth.

As far as the earthly domain is concerned, God Almighty has assigned it to man (Genesis 1:26-28). Everything on earth since ages such as minerals, money, fame, and other earthly resources maintain their relevance because of the existence of men. When you take men away, you’d see that all things become useless. Apart from God, men command and attach value to everything in the world, in fact, God works through men to men, meaning; even our answered prayers from God such as material provisions, blessings, kindness, and favor come through men (believers or unbelievers) to us. For God to perform the work of salvation, He did not use Angels or any celestial being to initiate and complete the work of salvation but took the form of a man in order to redeem men (Hebrews 2:16-17). Regardless of the status of people around us; educated, poor, rich, wealthy, or illiterate, it is very important that we view their true value as high jewels on earth.

The value of men can not be over emphasized, if you are a leader, your relevance is attached to your subjects/followers which I believe are humans, if you are into business, the value of your commodity is linked to your customers, if you are a teacher, your students make your profession relevant, if you are boss/CEO, your staff and colleagues add value o your position; without them, you alone cannot head an empty organization. The greatest good news today is the gospel of salvation, if there are no men found on earth, there will be no need for evangelism, because we don’t preach to monkeys or cows about Jesus. The essence of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is for the service of men by edification (1 Corinthians 12:1-29), we don’t prophecy to animals or inanimate objects.

Beloved in Christ, the Scriptures want to give us the awareness that, despite men being different by virtue of conditions, they are nonetheless valuable before God their creator who truly knows their worth, we should learn to be thankful and show gratitude to men that God used to impact or bless us irrespective of their religious status, culture, race, social influence. The worst state of men is if they do not have Jesus Christ, and it is our responsibility to preach to them in love, patience, and perseverance, and also learn some profitable things from them. It is not in our place to judge or criticize no man because life seems to favor you more.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the word and also ask Him to love and appreciate the gift of men in our lives.


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