Waiting and dwelling in the presence of God

Call To Prayer

Title: Waiting and dwelling in the presence of God

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 30.09.2022


“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalms 91:1).


The presence of God actually transfigures and transforms the mortal man to the realm of unlimited discovery of God Almighty based on the capacity level of the man; depends on his hunger and desire. Several great men of God in the Holy scripture had different encounters with God that were unique. God manifested His power through themย  as a result of their sincere devotion to Him.ย  ย We hear of Enoch (Genesis 5:24), how God was so pleased with him that he did not see death. Abraham had a great relationship with God that God called him His friend (Isaiah 41:8). The same God established a strong connection with Moses His servant and revealed Himselfย  face to face to Moses (Exodus 3:1-10).

Joshua too did wonderful exploits as a result of His relationship with God. What about Elijah that could not see death just like Enoch? What about David whom He called “a man after my own heart” ( 1 Samuel 13:14). In the new Testament, we see how Jesus did impossible things by the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38).We can also carefully study the life of John the Baptist whom Jesus Himself testified that among men born of women, there is none like John the Baptist (Luke 7:26-28). There are quite a lot of men and women who distinctively performed unimaginable miracles with signs and wonders that time will fail me to list them.

Now therefore, the endless number of saints and prophets give us the hint of a specific pattern in their life despite being born in different generations and geographic locations, we learn that the pattern is “God”. The account of their individual success was the fact that they significantly ”waited on God and also spent reasonable time in the presence of God”. There was no way they could have excelled if they had lived a normal mediocre life by manifesting spiritual laziness, contentment and inconsistency. We see in the scripture how Moses spent quality time on the mountains with God and the people could not behold his face because the glory of God covered his face (Exodus 34:29-35).

Dearly beloved, waiting and dwelling in the presence of God goes beyond demands and desires for earthly provisions, they are in fact justifiable, however, they are secondary. If we need to demonstrate excellence in God then we need to spend reasonable time before Him and most importantly, seek for worthy things of spiritual benefits that will truly transform and regenerate His glory in us.


Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the word. Let’s ask Him to enable us to dwell and seek Him genuinely.


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