Walking in His will

Call To Prayer

Title: Walking in His will

Date: 09.09.2021

By: Wale Lasisi


For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.( Jeremiah 29:11 KJV)

Anytime I drive to a new, unfamiliar place or an area with a confusing road network, I normally use the satellite navigation system(satnav) to aid me in getting to my destination. If peradventure, I miss a turn, it automatically recalculate itself to take me through another route that leads to where I am going. Thatโ€™s exactly what God does to us when we are in His will and we miss it during decision making.

The psalmist understood this when he said โ€œthe Lord is my shepherdโ€. The shepherd is never wicked towards the flock. Infact, the shepherd will do everything to make sure that he gets the flock safely to their destination. If one of them go astray, the shepherd will never neglect it and say โ€œwell, thatโ€™s your faultโ€ rather, he will go after it and bring it back to safety with the rest of the fold.

At the junction of making life decisions, it is crucial we get it right. If after praying and seeking His face concerning a matter, you donโ€™t seem to hear if its His will, then ask Him for a specific sign. Abrahamโ€™s servant that was sent to find a wife for Isaac asked God for a sign as confirmation that whatever damsel gives him and the camel drink is the will of God for Isaac. Gideon also did the same when he asked God to bring dew only on the fleece with the surrounding floor dry and then reversed it the other way round again just to confirm that he is the chosen one(Judges 6:36-39). He is always willing to lead us in the right direction as the good shepherd that He is.

There is therefore need for us to align with His will for us every time because most people miss out when crucial decisions are to be made. The brain and five senses may be pointing in one direction while Godโ€™s will is opposite.
This approach is honoured by the Almighty because out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, the truth is established.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank Him for the word today and letโ€™s ask Him to continously lead us and guide us according to His will in our decision making.

God bless you!

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