Walking With God as a key to Perfection

Call To Prayer

Title: Walking With God as a key to Perfection

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 04/07/2023


And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.ย  Genesis 17:1


God instructed Abram to walk before Him before saying he should be perfect. It is an indication that walking with God leads to perfection. We thank God that scriptures support scriptures. We can see other scriptures that confirm there is a direct relationship between walking with God and becoming perfect or blameless. Genesis 5:24 saysAnd Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.”. The fact that God took Him away means that he became perfect because as Hebrew 12:14 says “…ย  without holiness no one will see the Lord“. Enoch lived 356 years which reminds of the 365 days in a year. That means he walked every day with the Lord not only on Sundays. Another confirmation is this statement from Genesis 6:9 “… Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.”ย Here being perfect was mentioned before walking with God which is like when you mention someones achievements before saying the secret to his success. So how do we walk with God?

Walking with God is having the awareness that there is God and obeying His written instructions and the leading of the Holy spirit. Joseph was in a foreign land (Egypt) but he didn’t forget his God. That is why he resisted Potiphar’s wife saying “…How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” Genesis 39:9. The first part “How then can I do this great wickedness” shows perfection in love and the second part “sin against God?”ย shows an awareness of God and that was probably spun from a love for His God and a fear of His judgement of sin since Joseph must have known of things like the flood of Noah’s time and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. How do we walk with God practically in our lives ?

Everything that can increase our awareness of Jesus, of His written instructions and our yielding to the leading of His spirit are the things that help us practically walk with God. Regular prayers, studying the scriptures to know His written instructions, listening to sermons, fasting to subdue the power of the flesh and increase sensitivity to the voice of the Holy spirit, praying in tongues to increase your faith e.t.c.

We don’t move away from God overnight; usually it starts gradually. It could came as a result of being busy. You gradually no longer have time to pray, to study the word, to serve in church and all those things that sustain your walk with God. You might say “so long as I remain good and I am not committing any evil, I am good !”. But Jesus said โ€œI am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing“. So it’s not enough to be doing good; we need to always remain connected to our source of goodness: JESUS. (Luke 10:41-42). A branch that is cut away does not look death immediately. Lastly remember that perfection is a process. When you sin and realize it, repent and return home again and again.


Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His mercy. We pray for the grace to abide in Jesus all the days of our lives and to repent and return home when we fall into temptations.


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