Watching and waiting

Call To Prayer

Title: Watching and waiting

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 14.03.2024


I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. (Habakkuk 2:1 KJV)


When God promised Abraham a son, he believed and trusted God even when the promise had not manifested physically as a child. He kept giving glory to the Almighty for many years before his day of appointment where the exact time was pronounced came (Gen. 18:1-14).

However, the significant part of this meeting between Abraham and the Lord is what caught my attention because when God appeared to him in the plains of Mamre it was not solely to deliver this message of joy, rather they were going to Sodom but he perceived that they were not ordinary men and therefore rushed to entertain them. How can a mighty promise such as that of Isaac be anchored on the discernment of Abraham. What if he ignored them and didnโ€™t bring them into the tent and the conversations never happened?

Many times when God makes promises to us and it is taking time. It is not because it is late but rather, it is because there is a time of appointment set in the heavens and this must not be missed. In waiting on the Lord, it is more important to keep watching to see when this day will come like prophet Habakkuk did watching and waiting until the Lord spoke to him the specific things that he has to do.

To enter fully into our God ordained destinies, we cannot afford to miss these kairos moments. Just like we watch the signs in the cloud to perceive that it is going to rain, we must continually watch out for signs and be eager to hear what the Lord is about to say. As important as it is to wait in prayers, it more important to watch so as not to miss the season of visitation when it comes.


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for His word. Letโ€™s pray that the Lord will increase our discernment so we donโ€™t miss our divine appointment with Him.


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