
Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.

(Isa 8:18 KJV)

The above scripture was a declaration made by Isaiah shortly after He was instructed by God to walk in His fear; to obey His laws (Isa. 8:11-15). During this period, Israel had departed from the ways of God. Living in obedience to God in a world that has departed from God made Isaiah and his children signs and wonders to their generation.

Signs and wonders are supernatural events (miracles) that are insignia of the presence of God and inspire worship; a sign appeals to the understanding and emphasizes what the โ€˜miracleโ€™ proves, while a wonder appeals to the imagination and emphasizes how the miracle inspires worship to God. For us Christians, we have been called to live such supernatural lives that the world will be able to see God and worship Him just by observing us. This was what Apostle Paul demonstrated in Acts Chapter 28 when He was bitten by a snake. He simply shook it off and acted as if nothing happened. The whole region of Malta was saved by observing how he remained alive despite the accident. This is how God wants us to live.

How do we live the life of the supernatural? The first thing is for you to know that you are supernatural (a miracle). In our scriptural verse of today, Isaiah was able to recognize that he and his children were for signs and wonders. This witness was not just for him alone. In Zachariah 3:8, we hear the Angel of the Lord revealing to Joshua the high priest that himself and some individuals were โ€œmen wondered atโ€. That is, they were signs. So are we. These witnesses were about men in the Old Covenant, what can be said of us in the New Covenant that has the seed of God (1John 3:9)?ย  Only a supernatural person can do supernatural things.

Another thing we need to do to manifest our supernaturality is to live in obedience to His commands. As stated earlier, Isaiah received the revelation of he and his children are for โ€˜signs and a wondersโ€™ after he was instructed by God to live in obedience to His commands. This was also true for Joshua the high priest (Zachariah 3: 6-8). However, there is something more for us to learn from the case of Joshua. In Zachariah 3: 1-5, we see how the Angel of the Lord rebuked Satan on Joshuaโ€™s behalf, and Joshuaโ€™s cloth was changed from a filthy garment to a clean one. It was after this act the instruction to Joshua to be obedient to the commands of God came. This is symbolic of what Christ has done for us in the New Covenant. He has defeated Satan on our behalf, and He has taken away our sins (symbolized by the old garment) and had given us His righteousness (symbolized by the clean garment). The implication of this is, despite we are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21), which is simply by grace, there is still a command for us to obey. The command is for us to love one another (1John 3:22). As we obey this command, despite the increasing wickedness in the world, we are demonstrating our supernaturality. This will cause the world to acknowledge God and worship Him with us (John 17: 22, 23).

Lastly, we demonstrate our supernaturality by beholding Jesus Christ. When the supernatural nature of man was indicated in Hebrew 2: 6-9, a statement was made that โ€œwe do not yet see everything in subjection to himโ€, that is, the natural man( Heb. 2: 8). Yet, reading further to verse 9, these were written: โ€œBut we see Him (Jesus Christ)โ€. The mystery of seeing Jesus is that when you do, you will be transformed into His image (2Cor. 3:18), and He is supernatural.. Therefore, beholding Jesus empowers you to manifest your supernaturality.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s ask God to help the entire body of Christ to manifest our supernaturality. That He should reveal to us where we are lacking, and He should help us make the needed changes.


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