What are you doing here?

Call to Prayer

Title: What are you doing here?

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 27:11:2023


When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, โ€œWhat are you doing here, Elijah?โ€ 1 Kings 19:13 NIV


In a time of great distress, we read of how Prophet Elijah ran to God at Mount Horeb, the mount of God (1 Kings 19:1-15). God’s response to Elijah showed disappointment in Elijah’s action. He asked, “what are you doing here?” This question was not because God did not know why Elijah was there, but it was another way to say “You are not supposed to be here”. That conversation continued with God replacing Elijah with Elisha (1 King 19:16).

To know Elijah’s mistake, let’s consider the reason he ran to Mount Herob. Mount Horeb was the place where God spoke to the children of Israel in the wilderness (Deu.1:5-8). While in the wilderness, the presence of God was almost physical to the children of Israel. The reason He appeared to them in this manner was because of their level of faith, so they would know that He was with them. However, God doesn’t need to manifest in that manner before He is present with us. It was this dimension of God’s presence Elijah was seeking before he felt assured of God’s presence with him to protect him. Elijah was weak in faith and without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6).

Elisha was faced with a worse situation when he was surrounded by the Syrian Army (2 Kings 6:14-15). Instead of running, Elisha was assured of God’s presence with him and even prayed for his servant to see the multitudes of angels with them (2 Kings 6: 16-17). At the threat of one, Elijah fled, and in the presence of an army, Elisha stood and overcame. The difference was their level of faith at the time of their experience.

God is always with us, for He has said “… Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you (Hebrew 13:5)โ€. Any time we seek external manifestations to be assured of God’s presence with us, we are not walking by faith. We walk by faith when we live based on the Word and not by external or sensory perception of His presence.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to be fully assured that He is with us at all times.


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