What is Missing?


Title:ย What is Missing?

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 22.02.2022

Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold (Matthew 24:12 NLT)

โ€ฆ..ย truth was thrown to the ground.ย  (Daniel 8:12 NIV)

The contrast between Godโ€™s expectations for the body of Christ as expressed by His requirements written in scriptures and the present state of things has become alarming, needing to be addressed. Their lives as expressed by the actions of some Christians, betray the faith they profess. This makes me question, what is missing? Why the anomaly? Why are we failing in what makes us distinct as Christians?

The Bible makes mention of how the righteous soul of Lot was tormented by the lawless deeds of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (2 Pe. 2:8). This is how the Holy Spirit feels among us today as He witnesses the lack of love among Christians, the unyieldingness of vessels who are to supposed to be the expression of His glory, and the utter disdain of His presence by our continuance in acts that are against His will. This need not be, and now, He is calling for each one to repent.

This difference between the lives of many Christians and the expectation that God has for us is due to the lack of proper understanding of the New Testament doctrine, which for the most part needs to be discerned for they are not explicitly stated. For example, it is very wrong in Godโ€™s standard for Christians to relate with people based on a preconceived notion of their national or ethnic heritage. Though semblance of this was practised by the Jews in the Old Testament, it is a sign of blindness for a Christian to think and act in this manner (Acts 10:34, 2 Pe. 1:9, Jam. 2:3-4). The middle wall of the partition has been removed (Eph. 2:14), therefore, no wall has the right to still exist in our minds.

Another thing that is lacking is the teaching of foundational truth. Many have proceeded to emphasize new revelations in the Church. Though they have been a blessing to the body of Christ, they should not stop the teaching and emphasis of the foundational Christian truth and doctrine. Using the words of Jesus Christ, we can do this, without leaving the others undone (Matt. 23:23). This was the practice that Apostle Paul told Timothy would make Him a good minister of God (1 Tim. 4:6). And before his death, Apostle Peter was found doing this (2Pe. 1:13). You can learn new things, but if you fail in loving your neighbour as yourself, you have failed indeed.

Finally, obedience to the voice of God seems to be a practice that is no longer popular or encouraged. Sin for a Christian goes beyond not fornicating or stealing; disobedience to the voice of God is as much a sin as disobeying the written word. The Law of the New Testament Church is the law of the spirit of life, and it is by this law we were delivered from the law of sin and death. Meaning, the New Testament is about being led by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:2). By obeying what He says to us, we can manifest His character, as well as His power and prosperity.

The Lord is coming for a Church with a garment without a spot (Eph. 5:27), and it is our responsibility to keep our garments clean (Rev. 19:7). Therefore, even as we excel in all things, let us ensure that our character resembles Christ.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help the body of Christ to walk in all ways pleasing to Him.

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