What the Disciples Knew about Jesus


ย Title: What the Disciples Knew about Jesus

By:ย  Daniel Peter

Date: 04.04.2022ย 


Then Peter called to him, โ€œLord, if itโ€™s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.โ€ Matthew 14:28 NLT


ย What a privilege it was for the people in the generation that Jesus Christ manifested in the flesh. To see the king of glory living among men was not only marvellous for those living on the earth, but it was a wonder even for the angels watching from heaven (Luke 2: 8-14). What did the people find out about Him? Especially those closest to Him.

Man was created for a relationship with God (Psalm 8:4, 1Cor. 1:9), and for any relationship to thrive, there must be communication. Ever since the fall of man, God has been using diverse means to communicate with man (Heb. 1:1). However, at the transition to the New Testament, He sent His Son to the world, and by Him, He spoke to humanity. As we know, communication is not just achieved by speaking, but also by our actions (which is reflected in the way one lives). Therefore, those closest to Jesus, His disciples, had a better opportunity to know Him intimately. What did they discover about Him?

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was the disciple that lived the longest with Him. Before anyone knew about the identity of Jesus as the Son of God, she had been informed by an angel before His birth, making Mary the first believer of Jesus Christ. Being the earthly mother of a divine being like Jesus, Mary must have taken time to observe/study the child whom the Angel revealed to be the Son of the Most High (Luke 1:32), even before others got to know about Him. The sum of her knowledge of Him was revealed at the wedding of Cana when she told the servants to do whatever He (Jesus) says (John 2:4). We saw how the obedience of the servants to the words of Jesus, because of Maryโ€™s admonition, led to the first miraculous act Jesus performed (John 2:7-11).

Apostle Peter was another close associate of Jesus Christ while He was on earth, for He was one of the three disciples that Jesus drew closest to Him (Mat. 17:1). Surely, he must have discovered something about Jesus Christ. Peterโ€™s knowledge of Jesus can be traced to the time He was drafted by Jesus as one of His disciples. After a fruitless fishing attempt, He was asked by Jesus to launch, again, into the deep and let down his net (Luke 5:4). Despite this instruction of Jesus Christ is contrary to what he knew as a professional fisherman, He decided to obey Jesus out of honour of Him, reverence, and maybe he also perceived Him as a Prophet. At his obedience, he got a great catch (Luke 5: 5 -10). Again, having known the power of the words of Jesus from his time with Him, when he and the other disciples encountered a strange site of someone walking on water and claiming to be Jesus, to prove His identity, Peter made a note worthy request, saying: โ€œLord, if itโ€™s you,โ€ Peter replied, โ€œtell me to come to you on the water (Mat. 14:28 NIV)โ€. Peter was using His knowledge of the power of his words to test if it was Jesus, and he walked on the word, I mean, on the water, when Jesus said come (Mat. 14:28 – 32 NIV)โ€.

John the beloved was also a close associate of Jesus while He was on earth. After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he went out to fish with Peter. After fruitless labour at night fishing, a voice called โ€ฆ Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find (John 21:6). As they obeyed, they had a great catch. John recognizing the power of God by their obedience to the word, said to Peter โ€œit is the Lord! (John 21:7 NLT)โ€, recognizing Jesus by His word.

What the disciples knew about Jesus is the infallibility, power, and authority of His word. They knew it was trustworthy and dependable. This is what it means to know God. Do you know this about Jesus?

ย Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. God should help us all to know Him.


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