What to do with The Newborn Spirit


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 12.09.2021

Title: What to do with The Newborn Spirit


As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
– 1 Peter 2:2 KJV


In last weekโ€™s Call to prayer titled โ€œThe New Creationโ€, we learnt that if someone comes to Christ, he becomes a new creation. We also learnt that man is a Tripartite being; he is made up of Spirit, Soul, and body (1 Thess. 5:23). So, if one openly declares that Jesus is Lord and believes in his heart that God raised him from the dead, itโ€™s the Spirit of that person that is re-created and becomes new, but the body and soul remain the same. The Spirit goes through similar growth process like physical birthday: Baby, Childhood, and adulthood. The Lord expects His children to become spiritually mature.

This is because God who is our father wants His children to become like Him. When we grow spiritually, the Spirit becomes more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His leadings, and we become more like Christ. We are also able to access and effectively use our inheritance when we grow (Eph. 4:1). The Lord has great plans for us. He wants to do more for us, with us, and through us. Beloved in the Lord, many will come to Christ through us, and we will be able to also help other believers grow spiritually when we grow. We will therefore make great impact in the lives of people and also fulfill the Lordโ€™s purpose for our lives. There are numerous amounts of reasons why we should grow spiritually but time will not permit me to share all.

As already mentioned, growing spiritually helps us to be led by the Spirit and not the Body. When we consider the Tripartite view of man, the Soul is the medium between the Spirit and the Body. The Soul is made up of the mind, will and emotions. The Spirit and body are in contention over who controls the soul because whoever controls your soul, controls your life. If we are led by the body, the end result is death but if we allow the Holy Spirit through our Spirit to control our lives, the result is eternal life (Rom. 8:6). However, the newborn Spirit will come and meet a mature Soul who is already submissive to the body, and a mature body who is sensitive to the pleasures of this world. How can the Spirit therefore control your life? He needs to grow!

Itโ€™s very sad that a lot of Born-Again believers are not growing spiritually, and this makes other people question if they are really Born Again. The truth is that they are Born Again, but their Spirits are still like tiny babies and because of that, their lives are dominated by the desires of the flesh,
How then do we grow spiritually? When we consider the natural growth process, we realize that humans mainly grow by eating Food. In the same way, the Spirit also needs Food (The Word of God) in order to grow. We have to spend regular time learning, readying, studying and meditating on the word of God. Listening to preaching, Christian messages, reading Christian books and listening to Christian music also make us grow. Letโ€™s invest in good Bibles and other Christian books. The truth is that any means through which we can have access to the true and undiluted word of God is an opportunity to grow.

Beloved in the Lord, when we come Christ, we are a new creation, but our newborn Spirit is a baby and has to grow. The Spirit grows when being fed regularly by the word of God. Growing Spiritually helps to be led by the Spirit, become more like Christ, and fulfil the Lordโ€™s purpose for our lives.

Prayer Point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His Grace and Mercies and for giving us His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Letโ€™s ask God to give all believers the desire and hunger for His Word so we can grow.

God bless you all.

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