When the Lord is Your Shepherd – Conclusion


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 01.05.2022

Title: When the Lord is Your Shepherd – Conclusion


…You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

 (Psalms 23:5-6 NKJV)


For some time now, we have been considering the Topic, “The Lord is my Shepherd” which is based on a famous Psalm of David (Psalm 23). We have seen who a good Shepherd is and the extent they go to make sure their Sheep are satisfied. We have also learnt that God is the Shepherd of His Children and some of the benefits we receive include protection, provision, comfort, strength, direction, and discipline. There are many Blessings that the Lord, the Good Shepherd showers on His Sheep and I would like to conclude this Topic with some of them.

When we come to Christ, the Lord anoints us with the Holy Spirit for Service, and It’s a great privilege to serve the Lord. There is a particular Work that the Lord has assigned to each of His Children, and He expects us to use our time on this earth to accomplish them. Each one’s Task is different from the other although it could be in the same Field or Area.

The truth is that these Tasks cannot be accomplished with our own strength, knowledge, and Wisdom. That’s why the Lord anoints us with the Holy Spirit to give us the Power and the Grace to fulfill our Purpose on this Earth (Acts 1:8). Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power, and the good Works He did are evident for all (Acts 10:38).

The presence of God in our lives also brings abundance in every aspect of our lives, both spiritually and physically. We abound in Spiritual Gifts, fruits of the Spirit, good Works, favor before God and men, and the Lord also blesses the works of our hands (1 Cor 12, Gal 5:22, Deut 28:12). When you consider all the things the Lord does for His Children, we can be confident that goodness and mercy will always follow us.

He is with us even in difficult times and causes all things to work together for our good (Rom 8:28). As we walk with the Lord, we may make mistakes, but we know that He is merciful, and His mercies are new every morning (Lam 3:22-23). Even when we were sinners, He showed us mercy and gave His only begotten son for our ransom. Therefore, what can separate us from His love? Nothing! His Goodness will continue to follow us!

Beloved in the Lord, God is a Good Shepherd to His Children, and we have seen all the benefits and Blessings we receive from Him. The truth is that no one is capable of providing you all of these Blessings except God. Knowing this, I will boldly join David to declare that all the days of my life, I will dwell in the presence and the house of the Lord.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word. Let’s pray for all Believers around the world to be aware of their Work or Assignment on this Earth. Let’s also pray for all Believers to always hunger and thirst for the presence of God because He has a lot in store for us.

God bless you all.


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