When the Lord is Your Shepherd – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 24.04.2022

Title: When the Lord is Your Shepherd – Part 2


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.  (Psalms 23:4 NKJV)


As the Shepherd travels with his flock in search for green Pastures and still Waters, they mostly pass through various dangerous areas and may encounter dangerous situations. Along the way, they may pass through deep Valleys which are full of darkness, and so the Sheep may find it difficult to see clearly and some may fall into the Valley and die as a result.

They may also encounter dangerous Wolves and Bear which are ready to devour them. However, the Sheep are neither bothered by these situations nor afraid because the Shepherd is with them. They know that the Shepherd will safely guide them with his Staff through the dark Valleys. They are also very confident that when dangerous Wolves and Bears attack, the Shepherd will fight them off with his rod in order to protect them.

The life of a Christian on this earth is like that of a Sheep in the midst of Wolves (Matt 10:16). There are so many things that are waiting to fight and devour us. We are fighting a great Battle. This fight is not with flesh and blood like our friends, parents, colleagues, siblings, neighbors etc., although they may be used to fight us. However, our fight is a spiritual warfare with the evil one and his accomplices (Eph 6:12). His main aim is to steal, kill and destroy us (John 10:10).

We know that he is roaring like a Lion and will not rest or stop until we are completely eliminated (1 Peter 5:8). We are not afraid because the Lord, the good Shepherd, the mighty one in Battle is always with us (Matt 28:20). We have His armor which protects us from attacks of the evil one and we also have the power and authority in Christ Jesus to fight back and destroy the works of the evil one (Eph 6:13).

The Life of a Christian on earth is not a problem-free life. In as much as we all wish and pray for a problem-free life, that will not always be the case. That’s not what our Lord Jesus promised us (John 16:33). In this life, we may experience difficult situations, fiery trials and calamities. However, in those times, we know that we are not alone because the Lord is always with us. He strengthens us so we can endure, comforts us with His Holy Spirit and at the end, cause all things to work together for our good.

The Lord also continually guides us with His Word and the Holy Spirit to keep us from falling into temptation and the traps of the evil one. He also corrects and disciplines us when we go wrong as every good Father who wants the best for His Children will do. He may sometimes allow us to experience the consequences of our personal actions so we can learn from them.

Beloved in the Lord, when God is your Shepherd, you will not be afraid of the evil one or evil men. The question is, what is the worst thing they think they can do to you? Kill you? The good Shepherd has already overcome death for us and so for us, to die is even a great gain because we will have the opportunity to meet Him (Phil 1:21).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word. Let’s pray for all Believers around the world to be conscious of the presence of God in their lives. Let’s also ask God to strengthen, comfort and help all Believers who are currently going through fiery trials and calamities.

God bless you all.


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