Who is Wise and Understanding?


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 05.06.2022

Title: Who is Wise and Understanding?


Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. ย (James 3:13 NKJV)


The wisdom of God is different and far greater than the wisdom of this world. For example, the wisdom of the world will tell you to keep all your wealth without helping anyone to become rich but that of God will tell you to give and help the poor in order to abound in wealth. In the world, retaliating when someone offends you is seen to be wise, but the wisdom of God will tell you to endure and forgive when offended. Also, if a person knows a lot of proverbs and quote from Literature or famous Philosophers, he/she is seen as wise in the world.

The wisdom of God on the other hand is revealed in His works especially His works of Creation and Salvation. When you consider salvation, the evil one working through different people had betrayed, falsely accused, disgraced, and tortured our Lord Jesus Christ. They thought that they have finished Him completely by hanging Him on the cross. Little did they know that they were fulfilling the Will of God. That is the wisdom of God (1 Cor 2:8).

Who is wise and understanding? Itโ€™s not about what you go about telling people, but what your actions reveal. Have you ever known anyone who claimed to be wise but acted foolishly? True wisdom can be measured by a personโ€™s character. Just as you can identify a tree by the type of fruit it produces, you can evaluate your wisdom by the way you act. The word of God is telling us that anyone who exhibits good character and carries out all his/her acts in humility, is wise and has understanding.

It is very important to know that humility can be learnt. One needs to make the conscious effort to learn to be humble and humble himself/herself practically (Matt 11:29). I have personally not seen it anywhere in the Bible that we should pray to be humble. However, the Word of God always tells us to humble ourselves. This is because we canโ€™t pray for humility, relax, and expect it to happen automatically in our lives. It doesnโ€™t work like that! The Lord gives us the Grace and strength to be humble but, in the end, it is us who must choose to be humble or act in pride.

Beloved in the Lord, if the Lord decides to humble you Himself, you may not like it. Just look at what happened to Lucifer and Nebuchadnezzar (Is 14:14-15, Daniel 4). Therefore, letโ€™s not go about claiming to be wise but letโ€™s learn from our Lord Jesus who humbled Himself and was exalted, knowing also that the Lord resist the proud and gives Grace to the Humble (Phil 2:5-11, James 4:6).

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word. Letโ€™s ask God to help all Believers to make the conscious effort to lean the humility of our Lord Jesus. Letโ€™s also ask Him to give us the Grace to always carry out all our acts in humility.

God bless you all.


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