Why Do I Need Jesus? – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 10.07.2022

Title: Why Do I Need Jesus? – Part 2


Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved

 (Acts 4:12 NKJV)


As I started sharing last week, in my quest to spread the Gospel, I have been graced with the opportunity to interact with many unbelievers. One of the questions that appears in almost every interaction is, “Why do I need Jesus? Why should I believe in Him and accept Him as my Lord and my savior?”. Maybe you are asking the same question, or you are already a Believer who have also received such questions, I want to encourage you that the word of God has all the answers you have been looking for.

There are so many reasons in the word of God on why we need Jesus, and I would like to share a few with you. Last week, we learnt that we become righteous in the sight of God when we believe in Christ. Today, I want you to know that there is no name or no one through whom men can be saved except Jesus Christ (Acts 4.12). Beloved, salvation is in Christ, and in Christ alone!

Now, let me try to summarize this for you. As most of you already know, the first man that God created on this earth was Adam, and through his disobedience, sin entered this world (Gen 3, Rom 5:12). From there, sin continued to spread to all his descendants, and we all became slaves to sin. The result of this sin was eternal death (eternal separation of the soul and body from God). All sinners are bound to perish in hell because the Lord who is true to His word has given His word that so far as He is the Lord, no sin shall go unpunished (Ex 34:7, Prov 11.21).

The Lord is also merciful, and He really loves the people He created. Therefore, He first created a temporal way through which men can fellowship with Him by sacrificing animals. However, the blood of animals can just cover the sin for a while but couldn’t take away sin and the guilt of sin completely (Heb 10:4). All along, the Lord had a plan to wipe away sin completely from the earth and this plan was in Christ Jesus (Jer 31:34). At the appointed time, the Lord sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to this earth in the form of a man (John 3:16-17).

Our Lord Jesus came in this form because it was flesh and blood who sinned and not Angels or Spirits, and therefore, another flesh and blood was required to pay the price (Heb 2:14). Our Lord Jesus lived on this earth blameless and without sin. He would have been unworthy to offer Himself as a sacrifice for us if He had sinned because a sinner cannot pay the price for another sinner. That’s why He had to even be formed in the Womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit and not come through the normal way (meeting between a man and a woman). This is because anyone who comes through this way becomes a sinner automatically because of Adam.

Our Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice to take away the sins of the world. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of one man (Adam) and has been completely wiped out through the obedience of one man (Jesus). You don’t need to work for this or pay for it. It is a free gift from God. All you need to do is to believe in Jesus Christ.

Beloved in the Lord, by Faith we believe that Jesus has paid the price of our individual sins and delivered us from death and hell we deserved. There is no one or no other name through which you can obtain this. That’s why you need Jesus!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for giving us Jesus Christ.  Let’s pray for Mercy for all unbelievers and pray for salvation of Souls all around the world.

God bless you all.


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