Why We Fast

Call to Prayer

Topic: Why We Fast

Date: 05.06.2024

By: Daniel Peter


But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.โ€ย Luke 5:35 NIV


Fasting is an important part of our faith, for men and women of faith partook in this exercise and had resounding testimonies. Moses fasted for 40 days multiple times and through him came the law, Daniel fasted for 21 days and the nation of Israel was remembered and delivered from captivity, and Esther led a 3-day fast which led to the deliverance of Israel from the plot of an evil man called Haman and the exaltation of Mordecai and the entire Jewish race in the Kingdom of Persia and Medes. But why is fasting important in our walk with Him? And why is it so effective?

When Jesus was asked why His disciples weren’t fasting when He was with them in the flesh, His answer revealed the mind of God concerning fastingย  (John 5:32-35). He said, “Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while He is with them? (Verse 34)”. To put it in simple terms, they didn’t fast because he was with them. The reason we fast is so we can have the manifest presence of God. Jesus being present with them, the purpose of fasting was fulfilled, so it would have been fruitless for them to partake in it. This was why He said, “But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast. (Verse 35)”. That time came when He ascended to heaven. From then on, the disciples were required to fast, and it is expected we fast today.

Fasting helps us to be more conscious of His presence and sensitive to His voice. When the Lord is manifestly present with us, the scripture “with God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26)” can be fulfilled, and there lies the effectiveness of fasting. To attain this, we don’t just go without food but we ensure we use that time to seek Him in His word and prayer. There’s never a fruitless fast; God always rewards the time spent in seeking Him. However, only requests consistent with His ‘Will’ will be granted (fasting doesn’t change God, but it changes you).

Though you can decide to seek God in fasting, the most effective fast is one that God leads us into. God can lead in different ways: For Moses, he was called into the secret place by God, for Daniel, he was moved by understanding the writings of Jeremiah, for Esther, she was moved by the need of her people and the admonishment she received from Mordecai to fast. In all these, it was God who made them to will and act in accordance to His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). Respond to His nudging today.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask him to help us seek Him in prayer and fasting in a diligent manner.

Repost from: 04.10.2022


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