Winning in His Court

Call To Prayer
Title: Winning in His Court
Date: 13.05.2021
By: Wale Lasisi

Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob. (Isa. 41:21 KJV)

One of the oldest and most serious profession on earth is the legal profession because it guides mankind on what is lawful and what is not. Law practice can be very interesting if its guiding principles are well understood. In times past, people are judged by traditional institutions which could be a Council or by a royal Court presided upon by the King. Todayโ€™s governmental structure and legal framework are an extension of those.

Our God is the King of kings and also referred to as the Judge of all (Hebrews 12:23) meaning that he presides over an heavenly court where verdicts are proclaimed. In our scriptural reading for today, the Judge of all admonished us to table our case before Him, bringing forth strong evidences to back it up so he can judge us faithful.

In Luke 7:1-6, the story was told of the centurionโ€™s servant who was on the verge of death and when the elders of the Jews whom the centurion sent to Jesus got there, they tabled their case and supported it with a strong reason โ€œ (4)And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly saying, that he is worthy of whom he should do this: (5)For he loveth our nation and has built us a synagogue.(6) And Jesus went with them….โ€

When we come to God in prayers, what are the strong reasons we are bringing before the King of kings to back up our requests? We know that when we pray according to his will he heareth us and his will is embedded in His word. Therefore, before coming to the Royal courts of His Majesty, it is important that we do our due diligence and search out what he says concerning that matter we are presenting before Him so he can confirm his word. For instance his word says in Isaiah 34:16 โ€œSeek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered themโ€. So anyone looking onto God for a life partner can appear before him and quote this back to God as strong reason why he or she is entitled to a spouse.

Finally, King Hezekiah’s strong reasons bought him additional 15 years of living and Moses’s strong reason was enough to persuade God from destroying the children of Israel when they made him angry in the wilderness. So, donโ€™t approach the Royal courts anymore without having a strong reason to present your case before Him because he is a faithful and righteous Judge who is always ready to rule in our favour.


Prayer point:

Let’s thank Him for the word today and let’s ask him to guide us into locating His will from his word concerning every matter we might present before him so that he can confirm His word in our lives.


God bless you all!


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