Wisdom of Serpents-Frugality


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 16.01.2022

Title: Wisdom of Serpents-Frugality


Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

ย (Matthew 10:16 NKJV)


Last week I began the topic โ€œWise as Serpentsโ€ which is based on the words of our Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples. We learnt that natural things are sometimes used to explain spiritual things in the Bible. We also learnt that the Life of a Believer in the world is like that of a Sheep in the midst of Wolves; there are many things in the world that are ready to fight you and devour you.

The systems of this world, the prince of this world and his accomplices will oppress and fight your ministry, purpose, business, education, marriage, children etc. In order to be able to successfully fulfill our purpose on this earth, one thing we need is the wisdom of Serpents. The Serpent is known to be one of wisest Animals which was created (Gen 3:1). The next wisdom of the Serpent I would like to share today is its frugality.

When a Serpent kills an animal, it eats everything or swallows everything; It doesnโ€™t waste food. Most people waste a lot of things, for example, money, time, food etc. One difference between rich people and poor people is that rich people are frugal, and they invest the little amount they get while poor people waste their money on expensive cars, designer shoes, bags, clothes, watches etc. One main thing that most people waste is time. The word of God encourages us to redeem the time or make good use of the time because the days are evil (Eph 5:15). How can we then be frugal with our time?

To make good use of our time, we have to follow the Will of God: both His general Will for all believers and His specific Will for each one of us (Eph 5:17). The Will of God is expressed in His Word. For example, when you follow the word of God, you wonโ€™t waste your time partying, drinking, fornicating etc.; you automatically make good use of your time and money.

We can also be frugal with our time by controlling or disciplining our body and allowing the Holy spirit to control our lives. We will waste a lot of time if we donโ€™t control our body. The prodigal son wasted his time sleeping with harlots because he couldnโ€™t control his pleasures. I have cousins who couldnโ€™t further their education because of pleasure. Some of my friends are now trying to further their education because of teenage pregnancy.

I have a friend who used to take drugs but has repented. Although he has repented, he is still paying for some of the damages he caused. He couldnโ€™t also further his education and he is now trying to have children at the age of 54. When the Holy Spirit controls your life, your decisions are accurate, and you make less mistakes which would have wasted your time.

Last but not the least, we can make good use of our time by submitting to the godly counsels of the Fathers and Mothers that the Lord brings into our lives. The truth is that everything you would like to achieve, someone had already done it or had done similar or tried and failed; There is nothing new under the Sun (Eccl 1:9). Therefore, we can learn from their mistakes so we donโ€™t repeat them, and we learn from their ways to success so we can repeat them. In doing so, something which would have taken us longer time to achieve can be completed within a short time.

Beloved in the Lord, the Life of a Believer in the world is like that of a Sheep in the midst of Wolves, and we therefore have to be wise as Serpents. One wisdom of Serpents we need is its frugality. We have to make good use of our time and resources because the days are evil.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all believers in this world to be wise as Serpents. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help us to be frugal in everything, including our time and resources.

God bless you all.


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