Wisdom Three – Shun Evil Counsel


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 22.08.2021

Title: Wisdom Three – Shun Evil Counsel


My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

(Proverbs 1:10 KJV)


In 2 Samuel 13, there is this famous story between the two Children of David: Amnon and Tamar. Amnon was desperately in love with his half-sister, Tamar who was a Virgin. It was very difficult to have access to Tammar because she was a virgin. It is believed that Jewish women, and particularly virgins were shut up in their chambers, and through modesty shun the sight of men, even those of their own house. However, Amnon had a crafty friend, his Cousin Jonadab who gave him evil advice to pretend to be sick, and if his father (King David) should ask him what he wants, he should request Tamar to come and prepare food for him. Amnon followed the evil counsel of Jonadab and raped his half Sister. He was murdered by his half-brother, Absalom as a result.

When Rehoboam succeeded King Solomon as King of Israel, he listened to an evil counsel from his young advisors which divided Israel into Judah, with Jerusalem as their capital, and Israel, with Samaria as their Capital (1 Kings 12). Beloved in the Lord, time will not permit me to give more examples of people who listened to evil counsel and the resulting negative consequences. If God wants to save you or bless you, He brings specific people in your life. In the same way, when the devil wants to destroy your life, he brings people into your life.

During my undergraduate’s studies in Ghana, I met a friend who used to be a bad boy in high school. However, when he came to the university, God brought some friends into his life who led him to Christ and helped him to grow spiritually. In the final year of our studies, he became one of the leaders of the campus ministry. He later joined “Anagkazo Bible School” after graduation and is now a Missionary in Madagascar. I believe majority of us have similar stories; most of the bad things we did were as a result of some people who came into our lives at some point, and the Gracious God later sent different people into our lives to snatch us from the hands of the evil one.

We should therefore be careful with the people we associate with and those we invite into our circle because these are the ones who can advise us. As Christians, I will advise us to have fellow Christians as friends (Iron sharpens Iron) and keep unbelievers as acquaintances. Let’s be led by the spirit in everything we do, including choosing our friends, and let’s subject every counsel we receive to the word of God before we accept. Let’s also be careful with what and who we watch and listen to in the media. I believe there are a lot information on social media nowadays but majority of them are false, evil, ungodly, and misleading.

Beloved in the Lord, the evil one is always roaring like a lion looking to steal from us, kill us and destroy us. One of the ways he achieves his purpose is through evil counsel, but we are not ignorant of his devices. Let’s therefore reject any evil counsel from friends, family, colleagues, and media, and let’s take heed of good and wise counsel which will help us to live a life that is pleasing to God.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the answers to prayers we have already received. Let’s ask God to help all believers to be led by the Holy Spirit in everything we do. Let’s also ask God to give us the Grace and strength to reject any evil counsel.

God bless you all.

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