Wisdom Two – Don’t Despise Wisdom and Instruction


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 15.08.2021

Title: Wisdom Two – Don’t Despise Wisdom and Instruction


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

(Proverbs 1:7 KJV)


In last week’s Call to Prayer, we learnt that wisdom is required in these end times in order to deal with all the deceptions of the evil one, make good judgements, and fulfill the Lord’s purpose for our lives. The word of God also made us understand that the fear of God is the foundation of Wisdom and true knowledge. However, the above scripture didn’t end at the fear of God but also encouraged us not to be foolish by despising Wisdom and Instructions. The Hebrew word translated in the above scripture as Instruction is “Musar” which means discipline, chastening or correction.

Every parent wants their children to grow to become responsible adults and because of that they give their children the necessary instructions and correct them when they do wrong. If wicked humans can do this for their children, how much more the Holy God? In the same way, God our heavenly father also directs His children and disciplines them when they disobey. There are several times in the Bible that the people of Israel after experiencing the love and power of God disobeyed Him, and they were disciplined as a result. The Lord handed the people of Israel to the Assyrians and the people of Judah to the Babylonians as captives because of their disobedience. We may find some of the corrections a bit harsh but God who administers the discipline determines how to get His children on the right path.

The Word of God rebukes and corrects us when we go wrong. Apostle Paul admonished Timothy to preach the word, and patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage people with good teaching (2 Timothy 4:2). As the Bible already predicted, we are living in a time where many people don’t heed to correction and sound doctrine but rather listen to messages that are itching to their ears. I believe Pride is one of the reasons why many people don’t easily accept correction. Pride can sometimes be subtle to the extent that you may not notice it’s presence in your life. As Christians, let’s learn the humility of our Lord Jesus, and humbly receive anyone the Lord sends to deliver His message, irrespective of race, color, age, gender, and financial status.

I believe one of the most annoying types of people is a know it all, a person who has a dogmatic opinion about everything, is closed to anything new, resents discipline, and refuses to learn. Solomon calls this person a fool. Don’t be a know it all! Instead, let’s be open to the advice of others, especially those who know us well and can give valuable insight and counsel. Let’s learn to learn from others, knowing that only God knows it all.

Beloved in the Lord, the Lord disciplines and corrects those He loves so we can live a life that is pleasing to Him and fulfill His purpose for our lives. Let’s therefore humbly accept the Lord’s correction and receive from anyone He sends.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the answers to prayers we have already received. Let’s pray for the Wisdom of God for all believers, knowing that the Lord gives freely without finding fault. Let’s also ask God to help all believers to humbly accept anyone that He sends to deliver His message.

God bless you all.


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