Wise as Serpents


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 09.01.2022

Title: Wise as Serpents

Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
(Matthew 10:16 NKJV)

In the Bible natural things are sometimes used to explain spiritual things. For example, when we look at the beauty of creation and how He brought salvation, we see the existence of a Creator (God) and His Wisdom (Rom 1:20, Psalm 19). This is the reason why only a foolish man will say there is no God when Creation is evident for all to see, including the Scientists (Psalm 14:1).

Our Lord Jesus told His Disciples that He is sending them out as Sheep in the midst of Wolves, and I believe that this applies to all believers. The Life of a Believer in the world is like that of a Sheep in the midst of Wolves; there are many things in the world that are ready to fight you and devour you. The systems of this world, the prince of this world and his accomplices will oppress and fight your ministry, purpose, business, education, marriage, children etc. However, we know that we are already victorious in Christ.

As Christians, in order to be able to successfully fulfill our purpose on this earth, one thing we need is the wisdom of a Serpent. The Serpent is known to be one of wisest Animals which was created (Gen 3:1). What are some of the wisdoms of a Serpent? What can we learn from it? The first wisdom that I would like to share today is its speed; It is very fast.

The Lord has an appointed time and season for everything in this world (Eccl 3). Therefore, when the time or season of that particular thing comes, we have to act as quick as possible. When the Lord speaks and asks us to do something, letโ€™s not disobey, relax, or procrastinate. Once the Lord has asked you to do something, it means that the Grace to accomplish it is also available and this Grace will not be there forever waiting for you. Also, you will grow old and wonโ€™t have the necessary strength required to accomplish it. Therefore, when the Lord speaks and we hear His voice, letโ€™s obey and move swiftly like the Serpent.

Beloved in the Lord, the Life of a Believer in the world is like that of a Sheep in the midst of Wolves, and we therefore have to be wise as Serpents. One wisdom of Serpents we need is its speed. Since there is time and a season for everything in the world, when the Lord speaks and when the season of a particular thing comes, letโ€™s obey and move quickly.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all believers in this world to be wise as Serpents. Letโ€™s also ask Him to grant us the Grace to obey His Word and act on it as quick as possible.

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