Women, We Have Been Commissioned


By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Date: 31.01.2022

Title: Women, We Have Been Commissioned


โ€œMary Magdalene came, reporting to the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that He had said these things to her.โ€

(John 20:18 AMP)


Sin entered the world when a serpent deceived the first woman, Eve. On Resurrection Day, after Christ had defeated Satan through His atoning death, Jesus appeared first to a woman. A woman who had previously been in bondage to Satanโ€™s demons (John 20:14). Mary Magdalene is the New Testament counterpart to Eve. Her life reminds us that Jesus offers us total deliverance from the bondage of our past. Why did Jesus choose to reveal Himself to Mary Magdalene after His resurrection? Why did He send her forth to the brethren as the first witness of His Good News? What does all this mean for women today?

Letโ€™s see why Jesus through his resurrection again broke the tradition of the Israelites. During that time, women were not allowed to testify in a court of law. They were considered unreliable witnesses. However, when Jesus was raised from the dead, and He wanted this fact proclaimed to the world, He first commissioned one of His women followers to spread the news. The resurrection of our Lord Jesus was to break the curse of sin that came after man fell. God had a new role for women to play in His plan.

After the curse of sin, women were not only under the bondage of sin, but was placed at a disadvantage in her relationship with men (Genesis 3:16). Women will know pain and will also lose her voice, because her husband will be her ruler. In a nutshell, after the Fall, women did not exercise the authority that Eve enjoyed in the Garden of Eden.

Through the redemption of Christ, โ€œthe great reversalโ€ happened: Women were given back their voice. Mary Magdalene was given a task to go and tell; to go and preach the Gospel. There was no more restrictions or limitations but to stand on the pulpit to declare His word. Mary was now ordained to share the glorious Gospel of God.

Have you felt that you are limited just because you are a woman, or have you been told that you are less important in the kingdom of God? Do you think your past sins arenโ€™t or cannot be forgiven? God is here to tell you that you have been set free. The best testimony I can give you today is that the Good News you are reading today was written by a woman, and you can also do the same. We are all no more supposed to be silent or to blend in the background. Our Lord Jesus has now called women to be His missionaries and His preachers.

Beloved in the Lord, Jesus did not pick Mary to be the first evangelist simply because she woke up earlier than the others that day. He was making it clear that in Christ, there is โ€œneither male nor femaleโ€ (Galatians 3:28). Under the New Covenant, through the power of the Holy Spirit, both men and women can serve as ministers of His Grace. When He was raised from the dead, He commissioned His faithful disciple Mary Magdalene to blaze that trail for all women to follow.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all women around the world to know that they have been commissioned. Letโ€™s also ask God to grant them the Grace and the courage to do the work of God and spread the word.

God bless you all.


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