Work is inevitable


Date: 16/10/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title: Work is inevitable


Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


The creation story is something we have read over and over again. Even some unbelievers know it. Today, we will focus on the first verse of the Bible, and that is our anchor verse. In the beginning, the Bible says God โ€œcreatedโ€. In another sense, we can say that in the beginning, God worked. We do not know what existed before God created(worked) these, but we know that God worked to cause a change. Thus, for every change to occur, it must be preceded by some form of work.

Work precedes change. God created heaven and the earth through work. Also, every other thing He made came into being through work. God was not satisfied with what existed, so He worked to make changes happen. Without work nothing happens and without working on something there can be no transformation. Hence, there is no doubt about the fact that changes manifest when some form of work has been done.

Also, our verse for today has the phrase โ€œin the beginningโ€. What you see now that you are not happy about is the beginning. The weak financial situation, dry spiritual life, the rise and fall in your walk with God, etc. that you are unsatisfied with are all examples of beginnings. ย But the only way that beginning can change to something that you will be pleased about is through work.

Unfortunately, most believers of today do not want to hear the work side of the faith. They become reluctant and believe that everything will fall into place, but things do not happen like that. God worked in the beginning to give us an example that things can change when we put in the work. Prayer, fasting, reading the Bible, doing good, showing love, are all examples of the work. Today, I want you to be encouraged that you can change that situation you are not happy about, but it cannot happen without work. Put in the work and God will bless it.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the strength to put in the work to make the changes we desire to happen.


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