Worry and Anxiety

Call to Prayer

Title: Worry and Anxiety

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 10.12.2021


โ€œTake therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the dayย isย the evil thereof.โ€ (Matthew 6:34)


Today’s topic is about worry and anxiety. The human mind is designed with progressive quest to improve his routine conditions, in form of dreams, ambition, agenda and aspiration in life by bringing them to full reality to fulfil the available needs. These however, creates room for subjective passion to materialize the life formula of survival. We all by nature, are saddled with many responsibilities which prompt us to make plans that at the end accomplish the deficit of survival. Worry and anxiety are eventual social malfunctions of the mind which manifest in the life of ungrateful people, fearful people, unbelievers, people who have so much faith in the work of their hands (that is susceptible to failure), and sometimes might be due to unreasoned fear of the unknown, lack of resources or failure of one’s expectation etc.

As the delights of God, we have been assured by the scripture that God by default is very much aware of our basic needs of survival, hence, regularly reminds us through messages,ย  scriptures, and exhortations thatย  He is bigger than all our needs. If He could carter for the birds of the sky that don’t plan or have a seasonal storage, how much more of us that are His chosen people. Sometimes, we might be overwhelmed with burdens and cares of this life that we forget His sovereign arm of everlasting provision. He is the same always and never ever fails! If He could not withhold His begotten Son from us by letting Him die for the salvation of mankind, why do we think He would abandon us.

Dear beloved, whatever we are passing through personally, God will take care of us if we only can take some step of faith to believe that He is truly bigger than what we are facing in life. We have no idea about the hidden battles He has been fighting on our behalf and the least we can do is to trust and appreciate His Love instead of embracing doubt, disbelieve, melancholy, dejection, hopelessness. In addition to the guaranteed Divine provision, the death of Christ on the cross has further proven to us that we shall never lack because victory was massively obtained from there. God is rich in all things and therefore, wants us to share His endless wealth as heirs that we are.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God today for the message. Let us also appreciate His faithfulness and ask Him to be with us even when we are weighed with challenges of life.


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God bless you!


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