You are a Pillar


Title: You are a Pillarย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 11/09/2022ย 


โ€œYou are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.โ€ Mathew 5:13ย 


I believe most of usย when starting out our Christian life we all encountered that brother or sister or teacher or any one that was like Jesus to us. This person was a breath of fresh air. There was something about them that just pulled you. That humility, that modesty, that generosity, that openness to receive you. etc. For you that was an angel in human form. When they spoke to you about Jesusย it just all but made sense. If you did not encounter such a person when you started out your Christian journey, I am sorry but it is well (or maybe you are being too critical. They were not perfect but you did feel Christ’s love through them). However, God is still calling us today to be that salt, that light and that pillar of faith to someone whom you might never even know. ย 

Dearly beloved in the lord, your life is the first bible people read. For some it is perhaps the only bible they will ever read. Your life can either pull people towards Christ or simply drive them very far away. My attention today is particularly onย the significance of our standing in faith for the sustenance and growth of young believers and conviction of non-believers. These ones donโ€™t know Christ yet or understand him well. Most often they observe you asย a mature believer. Manyย people even observe you without you knowing. They are watching. They want to see if you will keep standing. The young believers sometimes idolize you. They themselves at this point they have no faith. Their faith is in you. You are to teach them that you are not perfect and can errย but before they can themselves grow in faith you are a pillar and symbol of faith. Thatโ€™s why the bible says โ€œButย if anyoneย causesย oneย of theseย little onesย whoย believeย inย Me to stumble,ย it would beย betterย for himย to haveย a largeย millstoneย hungย aroundย hisย neckย andย to be thrownย intoย theย sea.โ€ (Mark 9:42). This is a serious warning for those who think they can use Christ to manipulate young believers for selfish gain. Of course, this is the extreme case but we are not just called to avoid sin but to do good. Avoiding sin is good but if you do no work, you can also have no reward. ย Make that conscious effort.ย 

Brothers and sisters, some peopleโ€™s faith is hanging on yours before they can have a faith of their own.ย Those trails you are going through are future testimonies. It is your love and patience that reminds them that Christ is real and still alive. You are a rock, a pillar, a pillar of faith, a pillar of love. You are Christ like. You are the Jesus they see. ย 


Prayer Point: ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for this word of encouragement today. We pray for the grace to love always in and out of season. That when we fall, we will repent quickly like David. Lord may we never fall so badly as to discourage someone from believing in you. Amen. ย 


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