You Are Not The Problem!!

Call to Prayer

Title: You Are Not The Problem!!

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 10.06.2024


Then Judah said to Tamar his daughter-in-law, โ€œRemain a widow in your fatherโ€™s house till my son Shelah is grown.โ€ For he said, โ€œLest he also die like his brothers.โ€ And Tamar went and dwelt in her fatherโ€™s house.
Genesisโ€ฌ โ€ญ38:11โ€ฌ โ€ญNKJVโ€ฌโ€ฌ


Sometimes, the Lord may allow something considered evil by man to happen to His chosen ones, and people around them may think it’s because they are evil, that is why God is judging them. Today’s Call to Prayer is to encourage such as these to see God in their situation and have hope.

Genesis 38 narrates the story of Tamar and the sons of Judah. The Lord had chosen Judah to be the lineage through which the Messiah would come, so He took a special interest in the procreation process happening within the family. God killed the first two sons of Judah after meeting sexually with Tamar because they were wicked in His sight. Observing what was happening to his sons, Judah refused to give Tamar to his third son because he feared that he would die too (Gen. 38:11).

In the mind of Judah, Tamar was the problem. However, she wasn’t. Rather, she had been chosen by God to be one of the grandparents of Jesus Christ, for she went on to give birth to Perez and Zerah. And from Perez came Jesus Christ. Is it possible, that the challenges you are experiencing are because you have been chosen by God for a special purpose?

Job was another person whose challenges were misunderstood. His friends thought he had sinned and that was why God afflicted him. However, God permitted the trials he faced because he trusted him, for he was described by God as one who feared God the most and perfect in His character (Job 1:1,8, & 2:3). Job suffered, not because he sinned, but because God wanted that which was in him to be seen (the perfection of his character).

Finally, Apostle Paul saw himself among the prisoners being transferred to Rome. The ship he was in suffered a wreck, and they made it to the shore. Then a snake fastened itself to his hand when he took the wood for the fire (Acts 28:3). When the people of the land saw what happened, they said: โ€œ… No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he has escaped the sea, yet justice does not allow to live (Acts 28:4)โ€.

People may look at your challenges and make conclusions, condemning you as a sinner. As you trust in God and focus on Him, with time they will call you a god, as the people of Malta did call Apostle Paul a god (Acts. 28:6). For as the snake had no power over Apostle Paul, so your challenges have no power over you. Be encouraged!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us trust Him during trials. Let’s pray that He should help us focus on what He says about us and not what people are saying.



One response to “You Are Not The Problem!!”

  1. Feyikemi avatar

    Hallelujah ๐Ÿ™

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