You are your limit


Date: 28/08/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ย You are your limit


2 Kings 4:3-4 โ€“ 3 Then he said, โ€œGo, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbours – empty vessels; do not gather just a few. 4 And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones.โ€


One of the things we should note about God is that He is limitless. It is humans who place limitations on what God can do. In our verse for today, the prophet Elisha instructed a widow who was in debt to go and borrow more vessels from her neighbours and pour oil from her one oil jar into the borrowed vessels. The woman obeyed and did what the prophet directed.ย ย 

The jar of oil continued filling all the borrowed vessels until there were no more empty vessels to fill, and the oil ceased. This event demonstrates the limitless power of God. Today, we will consider two of the many lessons that can be learnt from this story.

First, obedience does not always have to make sense. One thing about the widow in this story is that she obeyed without asking questions, and when she did, she received a miracle. Obedience is the foundation of any miracle. Often people try to use their natural minds to understand miracles. If an event can be physically explained and interpreted by the natural man, with his natural mind, then it ceases to be a miracle. For the things of the Spirit cannot be understood and comprehended by the natural man because they are spiritually discerned (1st Corinthians 2:14).

The widow trusted the words of the prophet, though it did not make sense, and acted accordingly. The moment we move from, โ€œI trust you, Godโ€ to โ€œhow could this be possibleโ€, we move from faith to doubt. As we have questioned, so will it be; nothing could be possible. God is limited only to the extent of our faith.

Also, the jar of oil stopped flowing when the woman exhausted her capacity. When she had filled all the vessels she could get from her neighbours, the jar of oil stopped flowing. She reached her limit, but God did not. If she had more vessels to fill, the oil would have kept flowing. God was limited to the number of vessels the woman had.

Today, have faith in God that His power and His provision are limitless. Endeavour to obey even if things do not make sense and see God demonstrate His power through your faith-led obedience to His word. God bless you!


Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to our prayers. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit would grant us understanding so that we do not place limits on what God can do in our lives and our circumstances. Finally, let us pray for a heart of obedience to the word of God even if it does not make sense to our natural minds.

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