Your deeds will be remembered

Call to Prayer

Title: Your deeds will be remembered

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 16.04.2022


That night the king could not sleep. So one was commanded to bring the book of the records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king – Esther 6:1ย 


Doing good can be one of the most difficult aspects of being a Christian. The Bible encourages us not to be weary in doing good. We should do good at all times because our Father in Heaven will reward us in due time (Galatians 6:9). However, as humans, we often expect some kind of reward for doing good, especially for those in positions of authority, because we know they are capable to reward. The life of Mordecai and todayโ€™s verse is a good explanation of the need to do good.

In Esther 2:21-23, Mordecai discovered a plot by some officials of King Ahasuerus to kill the king, and he reported it. Through this act, Mordecai saved the king’s life. Mordecai deserved a reward for this good act because he saved not just any king but by far the most powerful king in the world at that time. Maybe King Ahasuerus never even said thank you or well done to Mordecai. However, the beautiful thing is that what Mordecai did was recorded (Esther 2:23).

God has a way of working things out to benefit His children. If Mordecai had been rewarded instantly for what he did, what would have saved his life? The night before his imminent assassination was the same night God caused King Ahasuerus to remember him. Was it a coincidence? Certainly not. God was working everything out for his good. Be encouraged! Whatever good acts you are doing, no matter how small they may seem, God has seen it. A book of memorable deeds has been opened in heaven, and your goods acts have been seen. Your reward will come to you in due time. Never stop doing good!

As we celebrate Easter, it is worth recalling that we are remembering the good acts of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His unconditional love demonstrated and proven through the death on the crossย  is the reason why we are also called sons and daughters of the Almighty God. It pays to do good. Though rewards for good deeds may not be gotten quickly, but it will definitely be rewarded. No good acts go unremembered. Sometimes, times and seasons may make the reward tarry. Sometimes, we will even forget about them, but God always remember.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us also thank God for remembering our good deeds and the blessings released to us.


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