Your Labor Will Not Be In Vain


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 17.10.2021

Title: Your Labor Will Not Be In Vain


Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

(1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV)


We live in a world full of lies and deception. We always wake up early in the morning or at dawn and go to our daily Jobs, work tirelessly for long hours, and return late in the night. Upon all our efforts, most people donโ€™t even receive their salaries at the end of the Month and those who receive theirs, are not really paid what they really deserve by their Paymasters. This mostly results to workers forming associations and going on Strike to demand better Salaries and Work Conditions but to no avail. Most people then end up quitting their Jobs for a different one just to experience the same conditions.

One common thing about humans is that we easily lie. It has become part of our lives and we even accept some lies as normal. The increase in lies and deception nowadays has affected our mindset and our relationship with God, and most people tend to think that God is also like that. Sadly, we have put God and our Paymasters in one box. We think that because our Paymasters have been cheating us, God will also cheat us. Beloved in the Lord, I want you to know today that God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). God is faithful, true to His Word and what ever He promised, He fulfills.

Therefore, as the Lord has commanded us to preach the Gospel, teach His Word and any other specific Work that He has given to you, letโ€™s do it diligently knowing that we will be fully rewarded. We will receive some of the rewards on earth and also receive Crowns in Heaven. Some of the earthly Blessings of God can affect our Children and go very far to even affect all our descendants. He who has promised is faithful. The time, strength, money, etc. that we have sacrificed for the work of God will not be in vain.

Apostle Peter asked our Lord Jesus that, they have left everything they had to follow Him and what will they get in return? ย Our Lord Jesus assured the disciples that there is no one who worked for the Lord or sacrificed something for the Lord and wasnโ€™t rewarded (Luke 18:28-30). Our Lord Jesus Himself when He humbled Himself and died a sinnerโ€™s death on the cross, He has been rewarded with a place of honor and given a Name which is above every other Name (Phil. 2, 1 Peter 3:22).

The early Apostles understood this and thatโ€™s what strengthened to their Faith in the Lord irrespective of the persecutions. They went all-out for the work of God and were ready to die for the Gospel. Stephen was even praying for the Jews as he was being stoned to death (Acts 7). Apostle Paul will be beaten almost to death but will get up and move to another Town to preach the next day (Acts 14). His motivation was the Crowns He will receive in Heaven, and this can be seen in his last words to Timothy (2 Tim. 4:7-8).

Beloved in the Lord, donโ€™t get tired in doing good, letโ€™s continue to obey the Lord and whatever work He has given to us, letโ€™s do them diligently and with Joy knowing that He will definitely reward us. Your labor will not be in vain!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all Believers around the world to be diligent and faithful in the work of god irrespective of persecutions or trials.

God bless you all.


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