Tag: FearOfTheJudgementOfGod

  • Danger of complaints

    Call to Prayer Topic: Danger of complaints By: Simon Maina Nuhu Date: 02.02.2024   ´They spoke against God and against Moses, and said, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!” 6 Then the Lord sent venomous…

  • Fear God!

    CALL TO PRAYER By: Stephen Osei Kuffour Date: 09.07.2023 Title: Fear God!   My flesh trembles for fear of You, And I am afraid of Your judgments.  (Psalms 119:120 NKJV)   Our head Pastor once shared a story of what happened when he was young and decided to steal some powdered Chocolate which was meant…