Tag: people

  • Christ’s sanctification of Himself

    Call To Prayer  Title: Christ’s sanctification of Himself By: Michael Ntow Date: 2/8/2022   I sanctify myself. JOHN 17:19   We must engage our attention about the meaning of Christ’s sanctification of Himself. Clearly He cannot mean that He will do anything to increase His own holiness. That is impossible. He was perfect from the…

  • God’s special people

    Call to prayer Title: God’s special people By: Michael Ntow Date: 17/05/2022   Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people. 1 PETER 2:9   The doctrine that Christians are God’s special people is given in a very remarkable way in John 17, but it is taught everywhere throughout…



  • The results of adoption

    CALL TO PRAYER Title: The results of adoption By: Michael Ntow Date: 07/09/2021   I . . . will be your God, and ye shall be my people. LEVITICUS 26:12   The first result of our adoption I shall mention is that if we have the spirit of adoption, we have lost “the spirit of…