Tag: Regeneration

  • In Christ

    Call to prayer Title: In Christ By:Michael Ntow Date: 29/06/2021 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.1 CORINTHIANS 15:22 Paul draws a contrast between the union of the unbeliever with Adam and the union of the believer with Christ. This is the great argument in Romans 5,…

  • The New Birth

    Call to prayer Title: The New birth By: Michael Ntow Date: 22/06/2021 No man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.JOHN 10:29 If you are regenerate, you will remain regenerate. It seems to me that this is absolutely inevitable because regeneration is the work of God. Yet there are those who seem…

  • Regeneration

    Call to prayer Title: Regeneration By: Michael Ntow Date: 01/05/2021 . . . that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.JOHN 3:6 What is regeneration? It is the implanting of a principle of new spiritual life and a radical change in the governing disposition of the soul. The important thing to grasp is the…

  • Regeneration

    Call to prayer Title: Regeneration By: Michael Ntow Date: 01/05/2021 . . . that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.JOHN 3:6 What is regeneration? It is the implanting of a principle of new spiritual life and a radical change in the governing disposition of the soul. The important thing to grasp is the…

  • Regeneration

    Call to prayer Title: Regeneration By: Michael Ntow Date: 01/05/2021 . . . that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.JOHN 3:6 What is regeneration? It is the implanting of a principle of new spiritual life and a radical change in the governing disposition of the soul. The important thing to grasp is the…

  • Regeneration

    Call to prayer Title: Regeneration By: Michael Ntow Date: 01/05/2021 . . . that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. JOHN 3:6 What is regeneration? It is the implanting of a principle of new spiritual life and a radical change in the governing disposition of the soul. The important thing to grasp is…