Tag: rewards for being persecuted

  • What Do I Get? – Part 2

    CALL TO PRAYER By: Stephen Osei Kuffour Date: 18.09.2022 Title: What Do I Get? – Part 2   Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?”  (Matthew 19:27 NKJV)   In last week’s Call to Prayer, I began sharing on the topic, “What…

  • What Do I Get?

    CALL TO PRAYER By: Stephen Osei Kuffour Date: 11.09.2022 Title: What Do I Get?   Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?”  (Matthew 19:27 KJV)   Apostle Peter once asked our Lord Jesus a particular question which I believe is still relevant…

  • There Shall Be a Difference

    CALL TO PRAYER By: Stephen Osei Kuffour Date: 29.05.2022 Title: There Shall Be a Difference   Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him. (Malachi 3:18 NKJV)   After the Disciples had been with our Lord Jesus Christ for some…

  • Called to Suffer

    CALL TO PRAYER By: Stephen Osei Kuffour Date: 20.02.2022 Title: Called to Suffer   For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake (Philippians 1:29 NKJV)   As Christians, we are supposed to live our lives based on the word…