Tag: Son

  • The HolySpirit glorifies the Son

    Call to prayer  Title: The Holy Spirit glorifies the Son By: Michael Ntow Date: 14/12/2021   He shall glorify me. JOHN 16:14   After the Lord Jesus Christ went back to heaven, He sent upon the church the Holy Spirit, and the business and work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Son. Now…

  • The proofs of adoption

    Call to prayer Title: The proofs of adoption By: Michael Ntow Date: 31/08/2021   For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. GALATIANS 3:26   What are the proofs that any one of us can have that we have been adopted? Well, you can find the scriptural proof. “For ye…

  • Subordination

    Call to prayer Title: Subordination By: Michael Ntow Date: 28/04/2021 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.JOHN 16:14 The Scriptures teach that the Spirit is subordinate to the Father and to the Son. That is what is meant in John 16:13. Our Lord says, “He shall…