



In the warfare that is associated with the Christian faith, sharing our testimonies is one of the weapons we use against the enemy. For scriptures say โ€œAnd they overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death (Rev. 12:11 NKJV)โ€. Apart from the victory we get when we share our testimonies, the act of sharing testimonies is also prophetic, as it imparts faith in the hearers to experience the same, โ€œfor the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit it of Prophecy (Rev. 19:10 ESV)โ€. With these known, I am led by the spirit of God to share the testimony of a miraculous sign and wonder He granted me recently.


Before leaving Nigeria for Germany for studies in 2016, God made known to me that He would bring me back to the nation, using Genesis 28:15 to speak to me. After spending some time in Germany, I started receiving prophetic words suggesting it was time to return to Africa. At this point, I didnโ€™t feel it was the right time to return, as I was still waiting for His promises to me concerning Germany to be fulfilled. For this reason, I sought Him in prayer to judge the accuracy of what I was receiving through prophecy. As soon as I knelt to pray, I fell into a trance, and I saw myself in a hospital, where a group of doctors surrounded a woman who had just given birth but the baby was dead. The scene changed to me being with my family in an environment that I knew was Nigeria. At one point, I was approached by a young boy, wearing a white native, and He introduced Himself to me as the king. He was holding two beads and he placed one of them on my left wrist. Waking up from the experience, I understood that Jesus Christ had come to me in the form of a child (Matthew 9:37). With this, I knew I had my answer and it was time for my return to Nigeria.


During the period of my preparation to return, an Angel of the Lord appeared to me in a time of prayer, and he told me that I would be in two locations at the same time. The first understanding that came to me was that I would be based in two nations. However, shortly after the encounter, a friend of mine shared a testimony of a woman of God, who was seen physically in two places at the same time, ministering. I knew this was the word I had received, and I believed it. Not long after this, I heard in my sleep that I should not inform my mum about my return to Nigeria. I didnโ€™t believe it was from God, as I knew my mum would not be pleased with it. So I picked up my phone and told her I was returning home. Shortly after this, a group of individuals appeared to me in my dreams, and they introduced themselves as Angels of God. They delivered Godโ€™s messages to be concerning certain areas of my life and informed me on what to do. Among what I was told was that I wasnโ€™t supposed to tell my mum that I was returning to Nigeria. Getting up from the experience, I knew I had made a mistake by telling her of my return. Not long after this, I was told by God, who appeared to me using the image of a friend, to remain in Germany. So I had to stop the process of my return.


Time passed and seasons changed. However, with a sudden twist of events, some months ago, as I was in prayer, I heard that I should return to Nigeria. The city I should be at my arrival was also revealed. This time, I knew I was not to inform my mum of my return. I arrived in Nigeria on the 7th of July 2023, and I followed His voice of direction of the city I am to be in. None of my family knew I was in Nigeria, and friends who were aware kept asking me why I hadnโ€™t told them. After spending just over a month in Nigeria, I received a call from my younger brother, asking if I was in Nigeria. At this time, I had no option but to tell him that I was in Nigeria. When I probed to know how he found out, He told me that a common friend of ours told him he saw me in Benin City and I told him about a woman who gave birth and the child died. I told him that I had not been to Benin City since I returned. As we argued about the possibility, I remembered that I was told in a vision that I would be in two locations at the same time, and the story of a woman who lost her child during birth was exactly what I saw when I inquired if it was His will for me to return to Nigeria. Then I knew the promise was fulfilled.


Considering all that happened, I understood the reason He asked me not to tell my mum of my return was because He wanted to do it Himself, using the manifestation of the miraculous. When the Lord gives us instructions that seem unreasonable, there is a promise of glory when we humble ourselves to obey Him. I hope this is an encouragement to all to demonstrate trust in God by obeying His word.


Testimony by Daniel Peter


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