Hospitality Lessons From The Sacred Trees of Mamre.



Title: Hospitality Lessons From The Sacred Trees of Mamre.

By: Funmi Akinleye

Date: 20/01/2022


Hospitality is one of the keys to favour. Unfortunately, โ€˜wokeโ€™ culture, increase in crime rate and the new world created by the pandemic, which encourages individualism and isolation, are progressively making the value of hospitality our parents once held become such an abomination and perhaps, even illegal.

Abraham, however, knew a thing we can consciously learn and practice in order to maintain the flow of Godโ€™s supernatural favour upon our lives. I urge you to read Genesis 18 before you continue with this.


Desire The Spirit Of Discernment

  • Discern who the Lord wants you to honour and serve even at the most inconvenient time. Abraham was resting by his tent at the hottest hour of the day (Gen 18:1) when his spirit discerned that the men by the sacred trees of Mamre were no ordinary men. The Lord was in his area and his response to that visit was honour and service- “he said, “Sirs, please do not pass by my home without stopping; I am here to serve you.” Genesis 18:3 GNT


  • There’s a time to encounter the Lord and a time to entertain. You are not in control when you encounter God, He appears to you supernaturally and your response is surrender. However when the Lord comes to you in human form or sends angels to you in the form of man, please, entertain them. Your response in this situation should be Hospitality and you’re in control of how you choose to entertain His visitation. “Remember to welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing itโ€-Hebrews 13:2 GNT. When you have this opportunity, give it your best shot!


The Send-off Blessing

  • Do not miss an opportunity to receive what I call ‘the send-off’ blessing. Some of the best things to happen to you, some of the most privileged discussions and opportunities you will ever have, will come when you tarry. “The men got up from there and went over to look down on Sodom. Abraham was walking along with them to send them off” Genesis 18:16 CEB. It was at that time (not when they sat and gisted) that God thought to Himself “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?”(Genesis 18:17 NIV) Abraham got the privilege to plead for a city that had his vested interest- his nephew, Lot. Don’t be in a hurry to leave the presence of God and the people He sends to you.
  • Tarry.
  • Know when to serve by yourself and when to delegate service. “He took some cream, some milk, and the meat, and set the food before the men. There under the tree, he served them himself, and they ate.” Genesis 18:8 GNT. ย It was the tradition for women to serve food while entertaining guests. Sarah was just right behind the door and was even eavesdropping, but Abraham knew he had to do this himself. The Lord had to ask him, โ€œWhere is YOUR WIFE, Sarah?โ€œ Genesis 18:9 GNT

Hospitality- The Extra Mile

  • There is a difference between good service and hospitality. Hospitality is how you make people feel. People forget good service but they will always remember how you made them feel. The extra mile always unlocks blessings and favour. Maybe not immediately, but eventually, it does. So do not get tired of doing good for in due season the Lord will reward you.

God recognised what Abraham was doing in verse 8 and He honoured Abraham in return by blessing his home instantly. Sarah’s womb was activated at this time- “Nine months from now I will come back, and your wife Sarah will have a son.” Genesis 18:10 GNT

  • Likewise, In business, Hospitality is the emotion you provoke from your service. Make it count always!

Finally, Apostle Paul teaches us in Romans 12:10-13 to โ€œBe devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lordโ€™s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.โ€



The Lord heightens your spirit of discernment.

The Lord gives you wisdom in all things.

The Lord gives you the humility and strength

to serve even at the hottest time of the

day. May the spirit of hospitality be upon you at your hour of visitation.



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