The Simplicity that is in Christ.

Wisdomโ€™s Thoughts

Date:ย 14.05.2021

Title:ย The Simplicity that is in Christ.

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should beย corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

(2Co 11:3 KJV)

We live in a world where people find glory in themselves; humans celebrate accomplishments and acknowledge hard work as the reason for their success. In a world that it is believed that good things donโ€™t come easily, it may be very difficult to convince someone about the good news, because it is simple; too easy to be true.

This challenge of conveying the simple Gospel is not just seen among unbelievers, but more so among believers. The Galatian church found themselves in a position where they started trusting in their works for salvation instead of simply believing the truth (Gal. 3:3). Why was it so among them? Yes they loved God, but they were deceived to think that by their works they can please Him; their assurance was no longer in the fact that He is faithful but in their righteousness. Every Christian needs to be careful not to fall into this deception, for it will make your Christian life unfruitful.

The moment we believed in Jesus and confessed Him as Lord, we received all the benefit of salvation (The healing, the gifts of the Spirit, His righteousness etc.) in our spirit. For scriptures saidย weโ€™ve been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesusย (Ephesians 1:3),ย and Jesus Christ is in our Spirit via the Holy Ghost (2Cor. 3:17). If the best of God (His wholeness) came to us simply by believing and confessing, we do not need to do more to manifest what He has already given, for โ€œThe righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (Romans 1:17)โ€.ย 

God wanting the blessing of Abraham to come to all of us, He made the criteria to be simply to believe and confessing (Romans 10:10). I believe He did this because it is the easiest human action to carry out (Romans 4:16). Yes, God demands certain obedience from us, He does not do this so we can deserve His blessings, but to prove that He has already made us deserving (to men and the devil). Let me explain from the case of Abraham. James 2:21-24 stated that Abraham wasย justifiedย by works when He offered Isaac for sacrifice in obedience to God, and His faith becameย seen by that action (works). But we need to know that Abraham was already declared righteous the moment He believed Godโ€™s promise of a son (Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3). So his obedience was not what made him righteous or justified before God, rather, that action helped revealed (made manifest) what God had declared about him already in the Spirit. His obedience, therefore, was a product of grace, and grace is accessed by faith (Eph. 2:8)

We observed in the ministry of Jesus how people received healing because of what they said: the daughter of the Greek woman was healed because of the nature of the reply the woman gave to Jesus (Matthew 15:25-28), and the Centurionโ€™s servant was healed because of the Centurionโ€™s statement (Luke 7: 4-9). Faith is a speaking force (2 Cor. 4:13), however, speaking is not only done with words, it is also signified by actions (This explains the purpose of Baptism). As we obey the Holy Spiritโ€™s instructions (which is discerned from the word and His voice), we are saying by our actions that we believe in His promises, but the action (the works) is not the reason for the blessing (it is an act of faith because it was inspired by the Spirit).

In conclusion, to break free from that addiction or that bad habit is just as easy as believing that Christ has set you free, confessing that freedom, and obeying His specific instructions regarding it to you. This is true for manifesting healing or any other redemptive benefits. But to think you can attain Godโ€™s righteousness or other benefits of salvation by your ability of self-restraint, self-will, or personal determination is setting yourself up for weariness and defeat. Be free today!!ย 

May God reveal His Truth to us and help us to walk in His ways in Jesus name, Amen.


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