The Righteous shall live by faith

Call To Prayerย 

Title: The righteous shall live by faith.ย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 12/12/2022ย 


For in itย the righteousness of God is revealedย from faith for faith,ย as it is written, โ€œThe righteous shall live by faith.โ€ Romans 1:17ย 

Now it is evident thatย no one is justified before God by the law, forย โ€œThe righteous shall live by faith.โ€ Galatians 3:11ย 

but my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.โ€ Hebrews 10:38ย 

โ€œSee, the enemy is puffed up; his desires are not uprightโ€”but the righteous personย will live by his faithfulnessโ€” Habakkuk 2:4ย 


Among couples we talk of love languages; what you can do that would make the other smile generously. Beloved in Christ, one of the love languages of God, our father, is faith. Yes, God loves everyone because God is love but God is not pleased with everyone.ย Hebrews 11:6 makes it very clear โ€œwithout faith it is impossible to please God…โ€. In Isaiah 41:8 we hear God saying โ€œAbraham my friendโ€. What a great honor. For God to call you a friend. Abraham became a friend of God because of faith (James 2:23). Figuratively faith turns God on. If you want God to smile and say thatโ€™s my son or my daughter, one of the ways is through faith. ย 

We express faith by believing the word of God. Then a natural consequence of our believe or the expression of our believe is our actions. For instance, if you are worried after praying it means you donโ€™t believe that God has heard your prayers nor answered them. The Bible says when you pray, know you are asking a father who cares more than your earthly father/mother and believe you have received. (Mathew 7:11 and Mark 11:23-24). So, your worry or anxiety is an indication of the lackย of faith or that you believed but are now doubting. It is just like when Peter saw Jesus walking on water and in faith, he started walking on water but as soon he lost his faith, heย began to sink (Mathew 14:22-32). The righteous shall live by faith means we breathe faith. It is continuous. Constantly rejecting doubts and reassuring ourselves withย the word of God. ย 

Saint James explains clearly in James 2:14-26 that faith without works is dead. Saint James in this passage insinuatesย that you can have faith without works, and I believe it, as all scripture, but itย is unlikely. Why do I say so? It can happen when because of our free will we utterly choose to be foolish or remain in vain pride. In that case, your faith as Saint James puts it is dead or useless. As seen in the scriptures I mentioned earlier and others, when you have faith, it propels you to work easily but without it, you wonโ€™t even work(bear fruit) or you might be working but for the wrong reasons. How do we build faith? Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). Secondly by praying for faithย and also for others to have faith. (Luke 22:31-34). ย Especially praying in tongues (Jude 1:20)

ย Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s pray for the grace toย fulfil our calling to live by faith for it is easier said than done. ย ย 


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