Building According to Pattern

Call To Prayer

Title: Building According to Pattern

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 13.12.2022


See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.ย Exodus 25:40 KJV


From the perfect order of the creation and the exact detail when instructing His servants on specific projects like Moses with the ark of the covenant and the building of the temple, it is clear that God is interested in the minutest of details. The ark of Noah, the ark of the covenant by Moses, and the temple of Solomon, were all structures that foreshadowed the reality that we have in the new: our bodies (our lives) as the living temple of God.

The scripture states “that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 6:19)”, which means, in building our lives (determining the course we take and the decisions we make), we must seek out the pattern, or the blue print, by which we are to build our lives. One of the dictionary meanings of a pattern is “a model or design used as a guide”. Therefore, we need a pattern, as a guide, in building our lives to be a building God can dwell. The pattern God has given us as a guide to build is Jesus Christ, who is the exact representation (image) of His being (Heb. 1:3). When we are in a position to make a decision, to start a new thing or whatever God may be requesting us to do, we are to look at Jesus Christ and see what we are supposed to do.

Jesus Christ did not just manifest as the Son of Mary who lived 33 years and died and resurrected the third day, He is the eternal word of God that existed even before the word began (John 1:1). Which means, when we read the bible and the stories written, with the understanding of the New Covenant, we are beholding Jesus, and can act based on the revelation we received.

The Bible did not state how Noah received the pattern for the Ark, neither did it state how David understood and conceived the design of the Solomon temple. But from the story written of Moses, we saw how he separated himself by the instructions of God and received the pattern for the ark of the covenant and the commandments for Israel. Separation and fellowship with the Holy Spirit gives access to the revelation of the pattern needed for the building of our lives and ministry.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him for grace to build according to His pattern for us.


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