The Good Father

Call To Prayer

Title: The Good Father

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 15.12.2022


And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? [17] And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.(Matthew 19:16-17 KJV)


Recently, the Lord led me to give money to someone I know and when I finally did, I experienced so much peace. The recipient on the other hand just couldnโ€™t stop praying and appreciating me for being good at a very trying time in his life. However, unknown to him, I struggled with carrying out this instruction because, by my own human evaluation, he doesnโ€™t deserve such goodness due to my perception of his character which obviously I had a problem with and didnโ€™t see as worthy of emulation. I only obeyed an instruction of the good God who heard the prayers of a man in secret and sent resources his way. It was the Father in me that manifested His goodness and it had nothing to do with me.

This was the analogy Jesus was trying to make the young rich man see in our opening text when he addressed the Lord as โ€œgood masterโ€ Jesus simply pointed him in the right direction of the good One. While on earth on a divine assignment, even Jesus didnโ€™t appropriate the goodness of the Father to himself but made himself of no reputation and took the form of a servant (Phil. 2:5-8).

Therefore, whatever God is using you to do in the Kingdom or to people around you, be careful not to allow pride enter your heart and you begin to take the glory that belongs to God. it is not because you are good but the good Father which worketh in you and through you.

Our duty as children is to obey and carry out the instructions of the Most high. For instance, He might tell you to start praying for a certain family and when they start experiencing testimonies, your flesh will want to seek gratification and speak out that you are the one God used for them. The glory belongs to God for His goodness and not you because He gave you the grace to accomplish His desires in the first place.

Like Jesus, let us always point in the direction of the good Father and never forget to give Him glory for what He does through us and for us.


Prayer point:
Let us thank God and give Him glory for all His goodness in our lives. Letโ€™s pray that God will give us meek heart that is devoid of flesh.

God bless you


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